How to Clear YouTube Cache for More Space

A woman in front of her PC. Clear YouTube Cache

One way to reduce the space taken up by the YouTube app is by clearing its cache. If you’re encountering this issue, here’s what you need to know about how to clear YouTube cache to free up space on your phone or fix occasional errors in the app.

Clearing YouTube Cache on iOS

On an iPhone, Apple doesn’t provide a separate function to clear app caches. The only solution is to uninstall and reinstall the app.… Read the rest

USDZ: Apple’s Gateway to Augmented Reality

Man Wearing Augmented Reality Goggles. USDZ.

USDZ is Apple’s most recent file format designed explicitly for augmented reality experiences on its iOS platforms, encompassing both the iPhone and iPad. If you’ve explored the Apple News app or initiated an augmented reality encounter directly from the Safari web browser, your engagement likely involved a USDZ file.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that enhances the real world by overlaying digital information onto a user’s physical environment.… Read the rest

10 Things Every Mac Owner Should Know

10 things every Mac owner should know. A man on his Mac PC.

As a Mac owner, it’s easy to appreciate the simplicity and elegance of Apple’s technology. While Macs are known for their intuitive user interface, there are still some hidden features and tricks that even experienced Mac users may not be aware of. To help you out, we will present 10 things every Mac owner should know about. Whether you are a longtime Mac user or a recent convert, keep on reading and learn how to get more from the operating system of your Mac!Read the rest

How To Convert Images To Text On Your Mobile Device

A girl in a park holding her mobile phone. Convert images to text on your mobile device.

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our everyday life. We are using them for so many things that it is becoming increasingly difficult to list them all. Due to the progress of modern technology, today we can use mobile devices to convert our files. If you need to convert images to text, there are many tools you can use for this purpose. Find out how to easily extract text from images or documents using OCR technology or, to be more precise, how to convert images to text on your mobile device.… Read the rest

How to Use AirDrop on a Mac

How to use Airdrop on Mac. Mac laptop and iPhone on a white table.

Sharing files between Apple devices can be done in many ways – by Email, Message, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Sneaker net, etc. These are all valid options. However, for Mac and iOS users, there is one way that surpasses all others in terms of speed, reliability, and above all simplicity. AirDrop is one of the most useful features available for wireless sharing of larger files. Photos, links, documents, videos, map locations. You name it!… Read the rest

File Download vs. iPhone & iPad

iPhone File Download

If you are using Apple products like the iPad or iPhone, you might have noticed that you cannot easily download files from your web browser (might it be safari or another one) to your device.

Why is that so? And the even bigger question: what can I do instead?

We have the answers!

Enable File Download In iOS

PDFs and other documents, music, images – on an iOS device, it’s difficult to download files like these directly from the browser.… Read the rest

Apple’s New Video Format HEVC

When Apple updated its mobile operating system from iOS 10 to iOS 11, they introduced two new media formats – among other major changes and improvements.

We at watched this update very closely and of course, we are especially interested in these new file formats. Last week, we already had a closer look at the new image format HEIC. This article will sum up all you need to know about the new video format HEVC.… Read the rest

NEW – The Online-Convert iOS App

iOS App

Our life is getting more and more mobile. Thus, it’s important that all kinds of things are able to be done while you are on the road. This counts for file conversion as well. has always put the focus on making the online service available for mobile devices as well. Yet, there was room for improvement. First, we released our Android mobile app, and now, we can present the Online-Convert


File Conversion App
for iOS


In this article, you will find all information about our brand new iOS app, how to use it, how you can convert files and what else it has in store for you!… Read the rest

Apple’s New Image Format HEIC

If you own an iPhone, iPad or another Apple iOS device, you have certainly noticed this already. Apple released a huge update from iOS 10 to iOS 11. This update came with some major changes and improvements. And it came with new file formats.

Since we at focus on file conversion, the latter is what we want to focus on in this article. iOS 11 introduced two new media formats: HEIC and HEVC.… Read the rest

Avoid The Super Mario Run Android Scam

There is a new game in the world of apps called Super Mario Run. It is taking the app world by storm and causing many to download it. However, Super Mario Run is only available for iOS and Android users are being lured by imitation versions. Android mobile owners should avoid the Super Mario Run Android scam going on with impersonating versions now available on Google Play.

Just like Pokemon Go became an instant app hit, so has Super Mario Run.Read the rest