All About Mac Image File Formats

All about Mac image file formats: a woman working with images on MacBook

When working on a Mac, you will encounter many image file formats. Whether you’ve taken a photo with a digital camera, scanned an image, snapped a picture with your iPhone, or downloaded an image from the internet, each will be in a specific format. If you want to understand different Mac image file formats and their uses, here are the most common ones!


What is JPEG?

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.… Read the rest

How to Convert DALL-E 3 WebP Images to JPG or PNG

A man and a woman converting DALL-E 3 WebP images

If you’ve been using OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 lately, you might have noticed a change. Instead of the usual PNG or JPEG files, it’s now providing WebP files when you download your creations. Frustrating, right? But don’t worry, converting DALL-E 3 WebP to JPEG or PNG is easy!

Why DALL-E 3 Is No Longer Providing PNGs or JPEGs?

So, why the sudden shift away from PNGs and JPEGs? Well, WebP files do have their merits:

  • Enhanced Compression: WebP utilizes advanced compression techniques, delivering images 25-34% smaller than PNGs without sacrificing quality.
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AI Art Printing: Everything You Need To Know

AI Art Print on the office wall

Thanks to numerous AI art generators, artists and enthusiasts can skillfully blend technology and expression to craft mesmerizing pieces. As the fascination with AI art continues to soar, it’s equally important to know how to bring these digital wonders to life through printing.

In this post, discover how to prepare your AI-generated images, turning them into exquisite prints!

What are AI art prints?

An AI print is a visual creation produced by printing artwork generated through computational processes, specifically using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.… Read the rest

JPEG vs PNG: Are You Using the Wrong Format

JPEG vs PNG. A woman working with image files on her PC.

Curious about the distinctions between image formats like JPEG and PNG? Confused about the .jpeg vs .jpg debate or animated PNGs? Get ready as we unravel the intricacies that make the ‘JPEG vs PNG’ differences more fascinating than you think. Let’s begin with the basics and work our way up!

JPEG vs PNG: Basics

The distinctions between JPEG and PNG boil down to three crucial differences. PNG outshines as a superior format in nearly every aspect, except for one notable exception.… Read the rest

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints - a PRINT sign

Indeed, what is the best file type for ordering prints? When it comes to uploading images to a website for printing, choosing the right file format is crucial. The quality of the final print can depend significantly on the format you select.

So, let’s find out which are the most suitable file types and the factors to consider when preparing your images for print orders.

Why JPEGs Work for Smartphone Photos?

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How to Achieve Image Sharpness: 6 Key Factors

A man holding a camera and adjusting settings for image sharpness.

Struggling with image sharpness in your photos? Most new photographers do. In this article, we will address this sharpness issue head-on (and assist you in fixing it).

Here you can explore 6 essential factors affecting sharpness of image, including the role of the aperture. By the end, you will capture sharper, more striking photos with confidence. Let’s begin this journey of achieving sharper images now!

What is Image Sharpness

Image sharpness is the visual clarity and crispness of a photograph.… Read the rest

RAW vs. JPEG: Which Format is Right for You

RAW vs. JPEG: Which Format is Right for You

The RAW vs. JPEG debate has raged on in the world of photography, with passionate advocates on both sides. While some swear by shooting in RAW, others find JPEG to be a more practical choice.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between RAW and JPEG formats, dispel any confusion, and discover how the emerging compressed RAW format could revolutionize your photography.

Understanding RAW and JPEG

RAW Format: Unprocessed Data

RAW files are the untouched, uncompressed data captured by your camera’s sensor.… Read the rest

Midjourney Tips for Beginners: 25 Ways to Get Impressive Prompts

A man generating AI images in Midjourney.

Discover 25 invaluable Midjourney tips for beginners to maximize your AI image generating experience. From crafting captivating prompts to unlocking the platform’s full potential, these tips will transform you into a Midjourney Pro.

Let’s dive in and create some stunning images!

1 Adjust Default Account Settings

One of the essential tips for optimizing your Midjourney experience is to adjust your default account settings. This seemingly simple step can greatly enhance your prompt generation process.… Read the rest

Raster vs Vector: Pixel-Perfect vs Infinite Scalability

Raster vs Vector

When it comes to digital imagery, there are two main categories to consider: raster and vector images. It is essential to understand the differences between the two and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Since it is possible to convert images from one format to another and to use both raster and vector images within the same file – this may sometimes lead to confusion. Therefore, knowing when to use each format can make a significant difference in the final outcome of a project.… Read the rest