JPEG vs PNG: Are You Using the Wrong Format

JPEG vs PNG. A woman working with image files on her PC.

Curious about the distinctions between image formats like JPEG and PNG? Confused about the .jpeg vs .jpg debate or animated PNGs? Get ready as we unravel the intricacies that make the ‘JPEG vs PNG’ differences more fascinating than you think. Let’s begin with the basics and work our way up!

JPEG vs PNG: Basics

The distinctions between JPEG and PNG boil down to three crucial differences. PNG outshines as a superior format in nearly every aspect, except for one notable exception.… Read the rest

Quirky Image Formats: A Closer Look

Quirky Image Formats: A Closer Look

If you have ever been perplexed by the myriad of image file formats floating around, you’re not alone. We often encounter the usual suspects – JPEG, PNG, and GIF – but what about the lesser-known ones?
Let’s dive into these quirky image formats that might have slipped under your radar.

JPG-large and PNG-large

Ever stumbled upon file extensions like JPG-large and PNG-large?
As it turns out, these were made up file extensions employed solely by Twitter.… Read the rest

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints - a PRINT sign

Indeed, what is the best file type for ordering prints? When it comes to uploading images to a website for printing, choosing the right file format is crucial. The quality of the final print can depend significantly on the format you select.

So, let’s find out which are the most suitable file types and the factors to consider when preparing your images for print orders.

Why JPEGs Work for Smartphone Photos?

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The Best Way to Fix WhatsApp Images Not Showing in Gallery

The Best Way to Fix WhatsApp Images Not Showing in Gallery

Do you often find yourself unable to locate your WhatsApp images in the gallery of your phone? It’s a common issue that can be frustrating, especially if you need to access a specific picture (or video) quickly. Whether you are an Android or iOS user, this problem can affect you. But don’t worry – it’s fixable! In this article, we will guide you with some easy and effective solutions to fix the problem of WhatsApp images not showing in the gallery.… Read the rest

Is The HEIC Format Not Ready for Prime Time?

Taking the Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams) is an important step for high school students who wish to enter colleges. The year-long preparations of taking courses and mock exams in stressful to millions of students. The culmination of the stress takes place on the actual exam. Supposedly, once the students submitted their answers, they could lay back and relax for a bit. For many, that didn’t happen.

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Why HEIC Format is Not Ready for Prime Time

In the recent AP exam, the exams were made online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.… Read the rest

Introducing FLIF – the Free Lossless Image Format

Free Lossless Image Format is here to stay

Over the years, many new image file formats have tried to take over the crown from JPEG, GIF, and PNG. None has quite received a resounding success. Well, here’s another competitor: FLIF or Free Lossless Image Format

FLIF – What’s That?

The ‘Free’ part of FLIF means it’s not tied to any patent. The image format uses arithmetic coding, which was patented but has now expired.

Lossless means there’s no loss of data when the image is compressed.… Read the rest

Which Camera Produce The Best Skin Tone?


Digital cameras have come a long way. You get better sensors, higher megapixel count, a variety of built-in filters, autofocus settings, connectivities, and a plethora of other features. If you’re thinking about getting a new camera, many professionals will say that any brand and whatever format will most likely fulfill your needs. However, there is one important thing that any decent camera should be able to do and that is to reproduce skin tones correctly.… Read the rest

Why Is WebP Still Not Popular Yet?


In 2010, Google first introduced WebP to the world. It was hailed as the best image format for the web. In Google’s own words WebP is …

“… a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster.”

Well, it’s 2018 now and WebP is still not quite as big as Google had hoped.… Read the rest