How Safe is Incognito Browsing Mode?

How safe is incognito mode browsing.e.

Most browsers provide a private browsing mode, allowing users to protect their privacy. Google Chrome calls this feature the Incognito mode. But, how safe is incognito browsing? Is going “incognito” really private? Let us unravel some of the misconceptions.

What is Incognito Mode?

According to Wikipedia: “Private browsing is a privacy feature in some web browsers. When operating in such a mode, the browser creates a temporary session that is isolated from the browser’s main session and user data.”… Read the rest

The 8 Most Common HTTP Error Codes – How To Easily Fix Them

Laptop with 404 error on a screen. Most Common HTTP Error Codes

As a regular internet user, from time to time you come across websites with certain errors. Most of these errors come with an error code that is difficult for the average web user to understand. Our guide is here to help you demystify these problems and find an effective solution. In this article, learn more about the 8 most common HTTP error codes and how you can solve them.

What do HTTP Error Codes Mean in General?

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How To Do The Best Data Backup?

Laptop with a blue Backup sign. How to do the best data backup.

There are many risks that pose a threat to computers. Unfortunately, many of them are becoming more sophisticated and might result in significant data loss. Accidents that can happen to a computer (or just a part of it) are also varied. The question is not whether a certain computer problem will happen, but rather – when it will happen. It is extremely important to know, how to do the best data backup and keep your precious data safe.… Read the rest

Quantum Computers: 10 Things You Should Know About Them

Quantum Computers

Quantum computers are all the rage today. But why are they so important, how soon are we going to use quantum artificial intelligence? Play video games on one or convert our files, videos, and images?

Here are 10 Things About Quantum Computers that Everyone Should Know About:

#1. Quantum Computers – The Beginning

Quantum computers were proposed by the famous physicist Richard Feynman in his 1982 work “Simulating physics with computers”.… Read the rest

Best Text Extraction OCR Tools | NEW FEATURE

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At we are constantly improving and expanding our collection of online file conversion tools. The newest addition to our list of features is a whole category for OCR converters only.

This special conversion is already available in some of our document converters, but now you can extract text from images or scans even better!

Read on to find out all you need to know about the OCR converters and how to grab text from photos, images, pictures, or scanned documents.… Read the rest

Is Microsoft Edge Getting Better?

For years, Microsoft has tried their hardest to shove their new browser, Edge, down PC users’ throats. Unfortunately, for Microsoft, people have been keeping their distance with the browser for more than one reason. The majority feels that the browser of their choice, Google Chrome, is just far superior to Edge. There were just no logical reasons to replace it.

In reality, Chrome does have some major contenders such as Firefox, Safari, and Edge.… Read the rest

Improving The Online Presence Of Your Small Business

Surviving and thriving in the current climate is tough. Just ask any small business owner, and you’ll get pretty much the same answer. Since the pandemic, things are changing and moving so rapidly, it’s difficult to keep up.

What can small business owners do when they have to close shops and stay at home? It turns out that they can do quite a lot. You see, like it or not, the pandemic has pushed so many businesses deeper into the digital age.… Read the rest

Your Instagram Pictures Are Always Free For Sharing

We know you’ve been working so hard doing everything you can to get more followers on Instagram, but do you know that there are consequences for being famous? One of those consequences is people will start using your content without your consent.

Taking and profiting from someone else’s content without their permission is supposedly a bad thing to do, right? Well, according to Insta’s ToC, anyone can do just that with the pictures you posted there.… Read the rest

How to Fix a Slow Computer

Is your PC starting to feel as slow as a snail and taking its sweet time to do even the simplest tasks? You don’t have to put up with a slow PC. Follow these steps to have it working in its prime.

Quick Ways to Speed Up a Slow PC

#1. Restart your computer once a day

Many people who use laptops or PCs put their computer to sleep instead of shutting them down at the end of the day.… Read the rest