WhatsApp Images and Videos Not Downloading? Here’s How to Fix It

WhatsApp images and videos not downloading

Communicating and sharing media files is usually easy when using WhatsApp. This instant messaging service has its popular status for a reason. Occasionally, however, users could encounter a problem. If you have ‘WhatsApp images and videos not downloading’ issue, try these troubleshooting tips to restore WhatsApp’s downloading functionality!

So, what to do if you get ‘WhatsApp media not downloading’ messages? Here are a few easy fixes:

1 Restart the Mobile Phone

When experiencing an issue with an app or device, usually the first attempt to solve the problem is to restart it.… Read the rest

You can’t open the file? Try these 4 simple solutions!

A person can't open the file on her laptop.

Many of us have at least once encountered the problem of files that could not be opened. There are several reasons why this may happen. If you can’t open the file, keep on reading. In this article, we focus on the most common issues, and how to solve them.

The File is Corrupted

Most often, files become corrupted when being written to a disk. For example, when software suffers an error while creating or saving a file.… Read the rest

ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

A woman on laptop creating an ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

If you frequently work with document files, you may have already encountered an ODT document. Someone may have shared one instead of the more represented Microsoft Word DOCX file. Want to know more about this type of file format? Keep on reading. Find out how to open, edit, and convert ODT files to more common document formats.

What is an ODT file?

An ODT file is an OpenDocument Text Document file.… Read the rest

How to Use AirDrop on a Mac

How to use Airdrop on Mac. Mac laptop and iPhone on a white table.

Sharing files between Apple devices can be done in many ways – by Email, Message, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Sneaker net, etc. These are all valid options. However, for Mac and iOS users, there is one way that surpasses all others in terms of speed, reliability, and above all simplicity. AirDrop is one of the most useful features available for wireless sharing of larger files. Photos, links, documents, videos, map locations. You name it!… Read the rest

10 Best Amazon Kindle Tips Every Reader Should Know

10 best Amazon Kindle tips; Kindle device;

Many book lovers cannot imagine their lives without a Kindle device. Kindle readers have many great features that even experienced users do not know about. If you are still learning how to use Kindle, it is a good idea to find out more about them. These 10 Best Amazon Kindle Tips will help you to get the most out of your favorite portable reading device!

1. Scroll Through The Ebook Without Losing Your Page

The following scenario has probably happened to you: you went to a new page on your Kindle and lost your location.… Read the rest

LibreOffice vs OpenOffice: Which one is a better alternative to MS Office?

LibreOffice vs OpenOffice

Using the Microsoft Office suite is an additional investment for many, which may not be necessary. Although this commercial software offers many great features, it is useful to know that there are free and great desktop alternatives out there. We compared the best two options: LibreOffice and OpenOffice. Now, only one question remains – in the LibreOffice vs OpenOffice duel, who is the winner?

Why choose alternative office software suits?

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Online Translators: The Top 3 You Should Use

A woman using online translator on her laptop; online translators you should use

In a situation where a text, document, or even a website needs to be urgently translated, we often resort to online translators. The top 3 online translators we present to you today are perfect for quickly translating words, texts, or document files into another language.

Some of them offer additional features that make them even better. When you find the best translator for your needs – bookmark it. That way, you will always have it on hand when you need it.… Read the rest

How to Check if a Website is Legitimate and Safe to Use

Man on his laptop. Applying Tips to Check if a website is legitimate and safe to use

As the Internet continues to grow, the dangers of hacking attacks are also on the rise. One of the most popular ways which malicious actors use to steal our data is through – false websites. But, how can you check if a website is legitimate or not?

Millions of people have become prey to different forms of internet crime, from hacking user accounts to the theft of personal information. To avoid online threats and browse the internet more securely, it is advisable to learn how to spot suspicious websites from the moment you see them.… Read the rest

How Gmail Filters Can Help Organize Your Inbox

A screen showing Gmail filters.

Have you ever “lost control” of your inbox? At some point, it happened to all of us. Since not using email is not an option, knowing how to better manage your email account will save you from unnecessary stress. This is where Gmail filters come into play!

Google’s webmail service, Gmail, has become indispensable for both business and private communication. Thanks to its powerful filtering options, it allows to automatically perform various actions on the received emails.… Read the rest

The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac Users

Mac laptop on a white table; useful keyboard shortcuts for Mac

Most Mac users are probably familiar with the key shortcuts on their devices. Command-C means copy. Command-V means paste. However, if you are using macOS, there is a bunch of other useful shortcuts that will make your life so much easier. So, which are the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Mac users? Find out more about them below. You will wish you had known about them before!

The List of Keyboard Shortcuts for macOS Users

For most avid Mac users, using the mouse is no longer obligatory.… Read the rest