Exploring Lossy vs. Lossless Audio

Lossy vs Lossless Audio: a man with headphones listening to music

When it comes to digital music, you often hear about two main types: lossy and lossless audio. In the not-so-distant past, streaming platforms such as Amazon HD, Tidal, and Apple Music introduced lossless options, which begs the question: why all the fuss, and is it worth your attention? Today, we’re focusing on the captivating world of lossy vs. lossless audio to shed light on this intriguing topic!

What Exactly are Lossy and Lossless Audio?

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Audio Excellence: Analog Tapes vs. DSD

Man in a recording studio: Analog Tapes vs DSD

The quest for the ultimate sonic experience is relentless. From the humble beginnings of analog tapes to the digital revolution, each format has brought its promises and limitations. But what truly reigns supreme in the realm of audio fidelity? Let’s delve into the age-old debate, analog tapes vs. DSD, and uncover the nuances that define our auditory pleasure!

Analog vs. Digital: A Tale of Trade-offs

For decades, analog tapes reigned as the epitome of audio recording technology.… Read the rest

Mastering Audio for YouTube: Elevate Your Video Sound Quality

Recording Setup: Audio for YouTube

Welcome to our little guide on mastering audio for YouTube videos! When it comes to capturing sound, the audio from cameras and smartphones often leaves much to be desired. Built-in preamps struggle to deliver the clarity we crave, leaving us with background noise and fuzzy audio. But fret not! We’re here to unveil three stellar options that will revolutionize the way you record audio for YouTube!

1 Using a Microphone

Let’s kick off with the simplest solution: hooking up a microphone directly to your camera.… Read the rest

5 Expert Pro Tips for Audiophiles

Tips for Audiophiles; Hand of Woman Turning up Volume of Hi-Fi Amplifier

For dedicated audiophiles, every note, tone, and nuance of sound holds significance. Within the community of audio enthusiasts, questions are plentiful, sparking a continuous quest for knowledge and understanding. Here, we delve into the five most prevalent questions, offering insightful answers to deepen your appreciation and knowledge of audio technology. So, let’s dive into these pro tips for audiophiles!

1 Do Preamps Enhance Sound Quality?

The question of whether a preamp enhances sound or is merely a necessity for managing multiple inputs is central to discussions in the audio community.… Read the rest

Why You Should Convert Speech To Text

Convert speech to text online tool shown on the laptop.

Speech-to-text conversion has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it provides a simple solution for those who wish to quickly transcribe their audio files. Incorporated AI technology improves accuracy, making it easier than ever to create high-quality transcriptions. For all of you who are still unsure – why you should convert speech to text, in this article, we will present the numerous advantages of this conversion process. Finally, find out the best way to convert Speech-to-Text online!… Read the rest

Optimize Your Audio File Size

Laptop, microphone, and headphones are on the table for recording audio files.

Are you tired of dealing with large audio files that take too much space on your device or take too long to upload or download? Whether you are a podcaster, musician, or just someone who enjoys listening to high-quality audio – optimizing audio file size can make a significant difference. If you are looking to compress your audio files, but are not sure how to do that without compromising the quality, you have come to the right place!… Read the rest

How to Remove Audio from Video on Android

A man holding a phone and showing how to remove audio from video on Android.

You recorded a nice video and want to share it. The problem is that the audio is not quite to your liking. But, there is no need to worry. You can remove the audio straight from your phone in just a few minutes. Find out the most convenient solutions and remove audio from video on Android phone in no time. Keep on reading!

Remove Audio from Video on Android using the apps

Use Google Photos to remove audio from video

In most cases, Android phones already have Google Photos preinstalled.… Read the rest

How to Upload Music to Spotify

Spotify is one of the largest and most popular music streaming service providers. At the moment, it has over 433 million monthly active users, including 188 million paying subscribers. It is the place to be when it comes to music streaming. Although Spotify has an extensive music library, sometimes it just does not contain the songs you are looking for. But do not worry. There is a solution! Are you interested in finding out how to upload music to Spotify?Read the rest

The AIFF Audio Format

Apple AIFF Audio
Image by https://bit.ly/2dls4hv

The AIFF stands for Audio Interchange File Format. Apple developed this audio format Apple in 1985 as an extension of IFF which had been around three years prior. The IFF itself was developed by Electronics Art and widely used on Amiga systems.

AIFF is kind of Apple’s version of WAV (Waveform Audio Format) files. Both AIFF and WAV are considered CD-quality audio. That’s why many audio engineers prefer working with those two.… Read the rest

Working With An MP3 Converter

MP3 Converter

MP3 is a widely appreciated audio format. It is used, mainly, by casual users because it combines small file size (saving storage) and good audio quality.

Because MP3 is such a common format, Online Convert provides a versatile and free MP3 converter. But what exactly makes an MP3 converter important or practical for you?

We have curated a concise list for you.

What Can An MP3 Converter Do?

The most obvious thing an MP3 converter can do for you is, of course, the conversion or generation of MP3 audio files from other files.… Read the rest