6 Easy Ways to Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows

A woman standing in front of a laptop. Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows.

When using iOS, instead of the JPG, photos are automatically saved in a format called HEIC. However, you can easily switch back to saving JPG files or convert them from HEIC to JPG if needed. Can you also convert files from HEIC to JPG while using Windows? Of course! In this article, we will give you a few simple suggestions on how to do just that – how to convert HEIC to JPG on Windows.Read the rest

How to Better Use Chrome for Android Device

A person holding an Android mobile; how to better use Chrome for Android

Google’s Chrome is the absolute number one when it comes to web browsers, especially if you are looking for speed to open, launch and browse any web content. It comes pre-installed on Android phones.
With that in mind, in this article, we are going to talk more about the 10 simple tips on how to better use Chrome for Android device. Check them out below and make your mobile browsing experience even better!… Read the rest

5 Best Kindle Settings To Make It Easier To Read At Night

Best Kindle Settings to read at night: Kindle on a reading chair, black and white photo

The Kindle is the perfect device for anyone who considers themselves a bibliophile. It enables you to have your book collection at hand and to read whenever and wherever you want. After trying out Kindle, even people who prefer to read books in their physical form come to realize the many advantages of reading e-books. Today we are talking about one of such advantages and learning more about Kindle settings.

Kindle offers many excellent features that allow you to continue reading your favorite book even at night when it is difficult to read without good lighting.… Read the rest

How to Convert GIF to JPG online?

Convert GIF to JPG image

GIF and JPG are probably the most used image formats today. If you do not know how to convert GIF to JPG files (that is, to static and compressed JPG images), here you can find the most recommended solution. By using online file converter tool, convert GIF to JPG efficiently, with minimal effort.

File Format Information: GIF and JPG

  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a bitmap image format developed by CompuServe, using the LZW lossless data compression.
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Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs

Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs Image

For many, the use of Microsoft Office represents the basis of their work on the computer. Therefore, it is not surprising that most users prefer to stick with MS Word. Our focus today is to compare the more popular word-processing program with a free online alternative. So, let’s begin: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs.

Things Have Changed

Microsoft once dominated the market of word-processing programs, as well as programs for creating spreadsheets and presentations.… Read the rest

WhatsApp Images and Videos Not Downloading? Here’s How to Fix It

WhatsApp images and videos not downloading

Communicating and sharing media files is usually easy when using WhatsApp. This instant messaging service has its popular status for a reason. Occasionally, however, users could encounter a problem. If you have ‘WhatsApp images and videos not downloading’ issue, try these troubleshooting tips to restore WhatsApp’s downloading functionality!

So, what to do if you get ‘WhatsApp media not downloading’ messages? Here are a few easy fixes:

1 Restart the Mobile Phone

When experiencing an issue with an app or device, usually the first attempt to solve the problem is to restart it.… Read the rest

You can’t open the file? Try these 4 simple solutions!

A person can't open the file on her laptop.

Many of us have at least once encountered the problem of files that could not be opened. There are several reasons why this may happen. If you can’t open the file, keep on reading. In this article, we focus on the most common issues, and how to solve them.

The File is Corrupted

Most often, files become corrupted when being written to a disk. For example, when software suffers an error while creating or saving a file.… Read the rest

ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

A woman on laptop creating an ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

If you frequently work with document files, you may have already encountered an ODT document. Someone may have shared one instead of the more represented Microsoft Word DOCX file. Want to know more about this type of file format? Keep on reading. Find out how to open, edit, and convert ODT files to more common document formats.

What is an ODT file?

An ODT file is an OpenDocument Text Document file.… Read the rest

How to Use AirDrop on a Mac

How to use Airdrop on Mac. Mac laptop and iPhone on a white table.

Sharing files between Apple devices can be done in many ways – by Email, Message, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Sneaker net, etc. These are all valid options. However, for Mac and iOS users, there is one way that surpasses all others in terms of speed, reliability, and above all simplicity. AirDrop is one of the most useful features available for wireless sharing of larger files. Photos, links, documents, videos, map locations. You name it!… Read the rest