NEW – The Online-Convert iOS App

iOS App

Our life is getting more and more mobile. Thus, it’s important that all kinds of things are able to be done while you are on the road. This counts for file conversion as well. has always put the focus on making the online service available for mobile devices as well. Yet, there was room for improvement. First, we released our Android mobile app, and now, we can present the Online-Convert


File Conversion App
for iOS


In this article, you will find all information about our brand new iOS app, how to use it, how you can convert files and what else it has in store for you!… Read the rest

Apple’s New Image Format HEIC

If you own an iPhone, iPad or another Apple iOS device, you have certainly noticed this already. Apple released a huge update from iOS 10 to iOS 11. This update came with some major changes and improvements. And it came with new file formats.

Since we at focus on file conversion, the latter is what we want to focus on in this article. iOS 11 introduced two new media formats: HEIC and HEVC.… Read the rest

How To Convert A Text File To An Excel File

Have you ever encountered a situation whereby you want to convert some text files either from a website or a note pad into an Excel file? I remember the first time I encountered that and I felt it is quite impossible. Well, it isn’t. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to accomplish that with the different versions of office available.

It is worthy of note that saving your text file as an Excel spreadsheet allows you to work with your data more easily.Read the rest

Basic Image Editing Via API

In the past, we have already talked about the possibilities of video editing using the API. Different ways to edit PDF files, such as merging and splitting documents or protecting a PDF with a password, have also been discussed before. But there is so much more our RESTful API can do.

Today’s article will give a quick overview of how to edit photos, pictures and other images using the file conversion API.… Read the rest

Posted in API

NEW – The Online-Convert Android App

Mobile App

In our times, it becomes more and more important that things can be done and handled on the go. This is also true for file conversion. Thus, the website and online service has always placed focus on being able to be used by mobile browsers and thus phones and tablets as well. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t get even better! Presenting: the new

File Conversion App
for Android

Find out all you need to know about our brand new mobile app, how to handle it, what new features it provides and where you can find your converted files!… Read the rest

WhatsApp Supports All Kinds Of File Formats Now

WhatsApp All Files

In past articles, we have provided you with all necessary information about improving your WhatsApp experiences. For example:

Now, with it’s newest update, WhatsApp allows its users to send all kinds of files using this popular messenger service. Of course we had to have a look at this new, amazing feature!… Read the rest

Why You Should Consider Converting From JPG To SVG

There are many different image formats on the world wide web and even more when you regularly download, take and edit pictures. If you work with image files, either professionally or on a private basis, you surely came across the so-called SVG image format. Even if you haven’t actively worked with it yet, there are many advantages of this format.

Thus, in today’s article, we will have a look at why it might be useful for you to convert your already existing JPG and PNG images into the SVG format.… Read the rest

How To Move Apps and Files From Mac To Mac

How To Move Apps and Files From Mac To MacThere will come a time when you will want to upgrade your Mac. Whenever that happens, it is a great feeling. However, what about all the files and apps you have on your old Mac? What happens to them? This guide on how to move apps and files from Mac to Mac can help. It will take some clicks and tweaking, but it can all be done in no time.

While there is always the option of using an external hard drive, this is a much easier way.… Read the rest

What’s The Difference Between Stereo And Mono [Audio Example]

Stereo And Mono

In games and on movie players you will find the option to change the audio channel between stereo and mono. With, you can change this for your video files as well, either on the website or using our API (check out the tutorial). But what does that even mean, stereo and mono? What’s the difference between the two. Can you even hear it?

Read more to find out what distinguishes stereo from mono.… Read the rest