Lossless Audio File Types – What Options Do You Have?

There is no question that it can get very confusing when you are looking at all the different audio file types that are out there. If you have to convert old audio files, or even when you buy new music, you frequently have to pick a specific type of audio file to use. However, if you’re like most people, you basically pick the one that looks the easiest without having much knowledge to back up your decision.… Read the rest

Are You Converting Your Audio Files? Learn The Difference Between Lossy and Lossless

There is a great deal of confusion in the world of audio these days because there are so many different types of audio files. It’s become difficult for many people to keep track of all the options. If you need to convert your audio files because something won’t play on one of your devices, or you need to use a different file type in order to send or submit it, there is a lot of confusion about what file type to use.… Read the rest

Should You Convert to an MP3 or MP4?

Unless you are a true “techie”, advances in the world of technology come at a cost. Of course, it’s always nice to have new tools and functionality that allow you to do things you couldn’t in the past. However, the downside is that sometimes technology changes so fast, it’s difficult to keep up. That is definitely the case when deciding whether to convert to an MP3 or MP4 file.

Many people make the mistake of assuming that “bigger is always better”.… Read the rest

Easy MP3 Converter

There are many reasons to convert different audio files to MP3.  The amount of space an MP3 takes up versus the WAV format is often reason enough.  But mostly, MP3 is simply a more universally recognized format that plays on more devices and software.

Now that you’ve found the best online MP3 converter, let’s convert those files!

This process works not only for converting to MP3, but also to WAV, AIFF, and other popular formats. … Read the rest