Prime Lens Advice for First-time Photographers


The world of photography can be confusing and misleading for those who just starting out. Instead of focusing on techniques, many newbies suffer from the gear acquisition syndrome. They dive into lenses, flashes, filters, and all other kinds of things that supposedly make them take better pictures.

Don’t fall for it. The photographer makes the picture. The quality of your images relies heavily on your skills. The gears can help, but keep them simple.… Read the rest

Multi-File Conversion [NEW FEATURE]

Multi-File Conversion


You, the users, have waited for this new feature and now it is here! So far, only for image, document, audio and e-book conversions, but bit by bit, all other categories will follow!

For us, it is important to provide you the best experience for online file conversion. With this long-awaited new feature, we made it yet a bit better once again. Continue reading to find out how it works and what it looks like: multi-file conversion!… Read the rest

Which Camera Produce The Best Skin Tone?


Digital cameras have come a long way. You get better sensors, higher megapixel count, a variety of built-in filters, autofocus settings, connectivities, and a plethora of other features. If you’re thinking about getting a new camera, many professionals will say that any brand and whatever format will most likely fulfill your needs. However, there is one important thing that any decent camera should be able to do and that is to reproduce skin tones correctly.… Read the rest

The Difference Between JPG & JPEG



If you had any contact with digital images before – may it be on a website or Facebook, or when dealing with photographies – you have surely heard of JPG files. If you have paid attention to the file extensions, however, you might have seen it written in different ways before. The usage of JPG or JPEG files may cause confusion. That’s what we are here for.

Today, we have a look at the question: what’s the difference when it comes to JPG vs JPEG?… Read the rest

How to Get More Reviews for Your eBook


For new writers getting enough reviews for their new eBooks is a matter of life and death. Well, maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but it sure comes close.

Promoting and selling a book requires a different skill set compared to the ones needed in writing it. It’s no surprise many new writers are frustrated when they can’t make as many sales as they hoped initially.

How to Get More Reviews for Your eBook

The most common method you hear is to set up a mailing list.… Read the rest

Why Won’t People Switch To Microsoft Edge?

Microsoft edgeThe Microsoft Edge has plenty up its sleeves. It is speedier than Internet Explorer, supports extensions, personalizable with Cortana built in, and has greatly improved user reading experience. Overall, it’s nothing like Internet Explorer in the performance, security, and accessibility departments.

Despite its many improvements, the stats show Edge’s market share still nowhere near the big players. According to Statcounter, Edge holds a mere 3.5 per cent share of desktop browsers.… Read the rest

How To Convert PDF To PNG [Tutorial] makes sure that you get the best service possible when it comes to online file conversion. Simple problems you are facing every day might be easily solved by converting the file that gives you a headache. Documents, images, videos, music files, archives, e-books? There is a solution for all.

This article will address issues that can be instantly solved by a very simple conversion from PDF to PNG.… Read the rest

eBook Customization – Do You Need It?


The digitalization of books has changed many aspects of book deliveries. How readers wish to access reading materials and their expectations have also evolved.

Since everyone and their grandmas can publish eBooks nowadays, you need to differentiate yourself from the herd. One way to do that is customization.

eBook Customization – Do You Need It?

Suppose you have just written the best horror novel ever and you publish it exclusively as an eBook.… Read the rest

Why & How To Convert M4A To MP3 [Tutorial]

M4A To MP3


In your car, at work, during the commute, at home – where do you like to listen to music? Ever since the first Walkman was released in 1979, we could take our music with us everywhere we go. Over time, this became easier and nowadays, we don’t have to bring cassette tapes and CDs with us. Some audio files on your phone are well enough.

But which files are you carrying around with you?… Read the rest

7 Tips for Effective Presentations

Planning and delivering an effective presentation is an important life-skill for students and business people alike. Even though the specifics may vary there are some important pointers that every effective presentation shares.

What is an Effective Presentation?

An effective presentation should:

  • Capture the audience’s interests
  • Focus on the audience’s needs
  • Develop mutual understanding
  • Show your passion
  • Inspire confidence
  • Tell stories
  • Meet your objectives

Let’s elaborate on these points one by one, shall we?… Read the rest