How To Disable Ad-Block

The internet is full of advertisements. They can become overwhelming, just too much, annoying – and yet they serve an important purpose. Some websites heavily rely on the income from ads to stay online as they have no other way of monetization.

We think that it’s a small price to pay to have some ads showing up on a page if you can use the service for free. If you agree and want to do your part in supporting websites that offer free help or services, check out the tutorials below.… Read the rest

What Is Data Hoarding?

For those of you who have watched the popular reality show, Hoarder, seeing a friend or neighbor storing stacks of boxes with trivial items or trash may not be such a surprise. However, hoarding doesn’t only involve physical objects. There are many people who hoard digital items such as movies, comics, tv shows, songs, and applications. These people go by the name “Digital Hoarder”.

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Why Do People Hoard Data?

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How To Open Key Files On Windows

Handling native files from Apple such as PAGES, NUMBERS, and KEY files can be a hassle for Windows users. Thus, in this article, we want to show you how you can easily work with Keynote presentations (aka KEY files) on your Windows computer!

First, we shall have a look at what Keynote files are. Then, you can choose from three tutorials on how to effectively work with and open KEY files on Windows.… Read the rest

Which Media Is Best for File Backup?

When you have millions of important files in your computer and your hard drive suddenly kick the bucket it’s time to rethink your data backup policy. While storing your important files in the harddrive is the easiest thing to do, it’s hardly the best option.

No data storage hardware can last forever, but some are still better than others when it comes to creating backups of your important and cherished files.… Read the rest

3 Top Reasons Why You Should Install A Dash Cam

Installing a dashboard camera (dash cam) in the car is one of the smartest moves car owners can take.  While insurance companies may not lower your payment if you have a dash cam installed in your car, having the recordings at hand can save yourself from a lot of trouble whenever the unexpected happens.

3 Top Reasons Why You Should Install A Dash Cam

#1. Car Accidents

Incompetent and inattentive drivers are serious threats on the road.… Read the rest

Preserve Nostalgic Texts With OCR

Nostalgia and OCR
Nostalgia and OCR
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Nowadays, most of the texts we write for school, work, college or privately are digital if not even online. Not too long ago, however, it was common to use a typewriter to put your thoughts, memories, and work to paper. Or to at least print the document and delete it afterward. That way, many old texts only exist on paper by now – just like a couple of short stories I recently found, typed by my grandmother.… Read the rest

Will iPads Wipe Out E-Readers?

The emergence of ebook was revolutionary. It changed the way millions of avid readers enjoy books in unforeseen ways. It was also revolutionary for writers and publishers. Stephen King’s Riding the Bullet reached 500,000 copies sold in just 48 hours. Imagine that!

Seeing people reading eBooks while commuting and enjoying the sun in the parks became so common, we rarely think about how life-changing it was. People glued to all kinds of eReaders such as Kindle, Nook, Cybook, Kobo eReader, and of course iPads.… Read the rest

NEW: Design Changes Explained

If you have visited Online-Convert over the past two weeks, you might have noticed one very prominent change. We have a new front page design!!!

Don’t worry, nothing else has changed. The front page is simply easier to access and navigate. If you are used to the old design, however, we’re here to look at the major differences. Let’s go!

What Changed?

1. The Menu

The most striking difference is surely the “disappearance” of the menu on the right side.… Read the rest

7 Social Media Safety Tips

Social media can be fun. That’s why billions of people are using them every day. Cybercriminals understand very well just how many people enjoy spending their time updating their status, liking other people’s posts, and engaging in conversations. The social media is like a goldmine for those crooks.

With the ever-growing increase of social media threats, should you stop using social media? Of course not. You just have to learn about the safe way of using social media.… Read the rest

NEW: Convert For Software

2020 starts with many new and improved features at! One of them we already introduced two weeks ago, namely the new XLSX converter that allows you to create spreadsheets for Microsoft Excel from your documents.

Today, we can introduce a whole new category of converters: Software Converters.

Online Software Converter

For the start, Online Convert introduced three different converters, that convert files specifically for these programs. This means that any file you upload will be converted into a format that is native to the specific software.… Read the rest