File Conversion Made Easy

There are countless different kinds and types of files out there which is why file conversion made easy is so important. Whether they are audio, video, document, image or mobile files, the list is very long. In addition to so many kinds of files available, there are also a vast amount of formats.

The variation of audio formats alone are AAC, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4. OGG, APUS, WAV and WMA.Read the rest

The Difference Between HD, HQ, SD And 4K


When it comes to creating videos – as well as when you convert them – there are a lot of different video formats to choose from. They range from 3GP with a smaller file size and lesser quality, to big, high-quality files like AVI or MP4.

However, even when watching videos, there are different “formats” to choose from. When watching a video on YouTube, you can choose different quality formats, depending on your viewing pleasure and speed and strength of your internet connection.… Read the rest

How Video Converters Can Help Users Of Old/Cheaper Phones


Nowadays, everyone and their mother own a smartphone. And why not. They are handy and versatile, allowing you to do so much more than just calling someone or sending a text.

Yet, not everyone is as “lucky” to own the newest iPhone or Samsung, Sony or HTC. For different reasons – financial, ethical, nostalgic – you may still be holding on to your old(er) phone or a cheaper alternative to the ones mentioned above.… Read the rest

Save Photos & Videos From Instagram!

Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with your friends and other fans of your life, clothes, lifestyle or the great photos you take. And of course, others do that to! If you stumble across a great picture or video on your feed, you can admire it, like it, comment, or even send it forward to other Instagram users. But that’s about all you can do when it comes to sharing Instagram posts with other people.… Read the rest

The Differences Between Lossless And Lossy Compression


The amount of files and data a person can accumulate over a period of time, can quickly fill out their hard drives or cloud storage space. Because of that, many people have to look for ways to reduce the amount of space those files are taking up. Since deleting those files, is often not an option, resorting to file compression is another alternative. However, before you begin to convert your files, or compress them, you need to know about the methods available.Read the rest

All You Need To Know About Playlist & Project Files

On we have noticed that some users are facing difficulties when it comes to certain files. While conversion of audio and video files is a piece of cake for us, some files uploaded by our users can not me converted to MP3, MP4 or AVI.

This is especially confusing when the users are able to open their files and play the videos or music contained on their home computer. In most cases, the reason for this is easily explained.… Read the rest

How To Watch Videos On Your TV From Your Smartphone

Remember the days when Televisions ruled the world? Okay, well according to statistics, that’s still the case. The average American person watches over 35 hours of television per week. The same can be said for people using their smartphones. More people are using their cellphones these days to watch videos, chat, play games and more than ever before.

So what if you could combined both of the things you watch and use the most into one?Read the rest

Save Vines — Quick & Easy Tutorial


Vines: 6 seconds that can make you laugh, cray or go “awwwh”.

In this article, we do not want to tell you how to upload videos to Vine (anyhow, here’s a tutorial on how to make your video smaller). No, today, we want to tell you how you can save a video from Vine all quick and easy. You do not need to download anything and it works for smartphones just as well as for tablets, computers or laptops!… Read the rest

Guide On How To Easily Email a PowerPoint Presentation

One of the most used ways for curriculum delivery by teachers of e-learning courses to students and other colleagues is via PowerPoint presentations. This step by step useful guide on how to easily email a PowerPoint presentation or an e-learning course can come in handy. Most e-learning courses and PowerPoint presentations usually contain numerous hyperlinks and loads of files. They are also very large  in size which makes it almost impossible to share because of size limit restrictions.Read the rest

Why People Will Always Need Files & Conversion



Recently, there have been some well known businessmen in the digital & Internet industry who have said files are dead. However, we, and many others believe that is not the case. For this reason, we have put together this article showing why people will always need files & conversion in their digital and Internet world.








Don’t Believe The Dead Files Hype


For many years now, numerous technologists, commentators and websites have been predicting the death of the file hierarchy as we know it.Read the rest