How to copy a video file and MP3 to your mobile phone

Example QRcodeI still have one of these old bricks, a mobile phone without a shiny display, just a mouse cinema, not one of these new smartphones. But I still use it quite a lot, I love to play Mahjongg (the real traditional Chinese one), listen to music or my Spanish lessons and sometimes I even watch some short clips.

The problem I often face is how to get the files I want to my mobile phone.… Read the rest

Rip audio from a video clip, the easy way

It happened again. You have seen this incredible video clip and you can’t stand living without that song. You want to hear it all day long, in the train, at work, everywhere. And you want to make all your friends listen to it too. What can you do?

The answer is simple. You need to rip the audio from the video and copy that track on your stick, your mobile or at a place where you can access it any time.… Read the rest