Microsoft’s Majorana 1: A Breakthrough in Quantum Computing?

Microsoft's Majorana 1, the world’s first quantum processor powered by topological qubits

Quantum computing has long been hailed as the future of computational power, promising to solve complex problems beyond the reach of classical computers. On February 19, 2025, Microsoft announced a major breakthrough in this field, unveiling Microsoft’s Majorana 1, a quantum chip based on a new Topological Core architecture. According to Microsoft, this development could bring practical quantum computing within reach in years, not decades.

What Is Majorana 1?

Majorana 1 is Microsoft’s latest attempt at building a scalable quantum computer, leveraging topological qubits—a unique approach that differs from conventional superconducting or trapped-ion qubits.… Read the rest

NEW: Convert For Software

2020 starts with many new and improved features at! One of them we already introduced two weeks ago, namely the new XLSX converter that allows you to create spreadsheets for Microsoft Excel from your documents.

Today, we can introduce a whole new category of converters: Software Converters.

Online Software Converter

For the start, Online Convert introduced three different converters, that convert files specifically for these programs. This means that any file you upload will be converted into a format that is native to the specific software.… Read the rest

NEW: Convert To Microsoft Excel

At Online Convert, we constantly work on improving our service for you! Improved conversions, faster speed, more files to convert at once, and – of course – new conversions!

In 2020 we proudly present a new conversion we added to our service: Convert to Microsoft Excel. Convert your documents, scans, images or tables into the most common Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file XLSX.

More Information about XLSX files

What is Microsoft Excel?

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Embed Music In Your PowerPoint – Tips & Tricks

A good presentation impresses with more than just written content. Graphs, diagrams, graphics and even videos can provide additional visual aid. Furthermore, transition effects and other animations can bring a presentation to life when used properly and in moderation. But that’s not everything!

In addition to you talking, audio files such as music and sound effects, recordings and other clips can help you to get your point across! In this article, we explain how to insert an audio file to a presentation and how to solve most problems you may encounter!… Read the rest

How To Recover Unsaved Microsoft Excel Files

How To Recover Unsaved Microsoft Excel FilesNothing could be worse than doing some really hard work on a project using Microsoft Excel, only to lose some, if not all. This often happens to people due to several scenarios. In some cases, a person may close out the file accidentally without saving it. Other times, their computer may crash without warning. A few may have the device they are using, freeze and stop working. No matter which one of these or other things happened, it is a nightmare.… Read the rest

Tips For Recovering Corrupt Or Lost Documents in Microsoft Office

If you use Microsoft Office frequently then you know how frustrating it can be if you lose your work. It can be due to the file being corrupt or lost. Whether it is while you are using Excel, Word or PowerPoint, the idea of losing your work is a nightmare. In some cases, you may not get the file or document to open up at all. In others, you only get to see some of the content.… Read the rest

Microsoft Word vs. OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice

With the regained trust in Microsoft and Windows 10, there is some debate about which programs should be used for your everyday computer needs. Should you still use OpenOffice as your go-to office program suite? Or is, with the upgrade, Microsoft Word the better alternative again? What about LibreOffice?

Lets have a look at what the future may bring for the office suite you want to put your trust in.


Microsoft Office And Company

Slowly but surely, the number of people that permanently switch to Windows 10 is rising. … Read the rest

10 Microsoft Word Tricks You Should Know



Microsoft word has been around for a long time helping many people easily work on documents of all kinds. There are numerous shortcuts and tips which make using the powerful word processor even easier. Check out some of these 10 Microsoft word tricks you may or may not know about below.







1 – By now, most of us know about using the shortcuts ‘Ctrl+v’ and ‘Ctrl+c’ to quickly copy and paste our work in word.… Read the rest

Media Files supported by Windows Software

There are many free programs you can use to watch videos, listen to audio files, or view pictures and images with. Yet, not many people feel comfortable downloading and installing unknown software – especially since some can’t even open all formats. After having had a look at native Apple files before, we will have a look at media files that are supported by Windows native programs this time.

We will concentrate on Media files like videos, audio files, and images only this time (with the exception of some project files), since document, presentation, and spreadsheet files is a topic for another day.… Read the rest