Adding Media To Your PowerPoint & Keynote Presentation

Despite the stigma, PowerPoint, Keynote, or other slideshow presentations are still the number one go-to tool for public, educational, and business presentations. No matter if you are presenting on a large or smaller scale, presenting important graphs, keywords, and findings, using a slideshow program makes it easier for you to set up the presentation, and visually more appealing for your audience.

We are not here to tell you how to do or present your findings, but we can help you with a very valid question when it comes to Microsoft’s PowerPoint: What kind of media can I add to my PowerPoint and Keynote slides?… Read the rest

Files Supported By Your Wii U

Over the past two weeks, we have had a look at files and other media supported by some of the leading gaming consoles on the market; the PlayStation 4, PSP, and PS Vita and the Xbox One. Today, we shall have a look at the more “family friendly” gaming console from Nintendo, the Wii U. Lets find out which media files, discs, and streaming services are supported by the Nintendo console.… Read the rest

Files Supported By Your PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PSP

As we have stated in our last week’s post about files supported by the Xbox One, we do not want to engage in the ongoing battle between console gamers. Whether you have a Xbox One or a PlayStation 4, we want to present to you the amount of information that you need. After covering the Xbox topic already, today we will have a look at games, discs, and file formats supported by the new generation of Sony’s PlayStation gaming consoles.… Read the rest

Files Supported By Xbox One

No, we will not engage in the ever going fight between console users. We do not state that the XBOX One is Better than the PS4, or vice versa. Instead, we will give all Xbox One users an interesting and informative overview of the discs, files, and streaming services that are supported by their console of choice.

Discs and Games

Contrary to the predecessor Xbox 360, the Xbox One has an in-build Blu-Ray drive, enabling the Xbox One users to watch Blu-Ray movies on their console.… Read the rest

The New Music Apps Worth Downloading Right Now

Ever since some of the top apps just disappeared, millions of users have been on the lookout for the next best thing. It depends a lot on what kind of music you like to listen to. If you are simply looking to download something from the big labels, then look up Rdio or Spotify. On the other hand, if you want to find independent and new musicians, you might want to check out Bandcamp or Soundcloud.… Read the rest

Lossless File Formats

It does not matter if you are making use of music, images, or plain video files; everyone needs to understand what various types of formats are and how to use them. By this we mean, by using the right format, you can retain a file’s audio and visual quality without making it too big in size.

Many people prefer to make use of lossless music files. Lossless are the files that reproduce exactly what you have on CD without any loss in quality.… Read the rest

Song Conversion 101

You may think that there is not much to converting an audio file that you downloaded from iTunes. It is true that it’s simple, but did anyone ever tell you the mechanics behind it all. Here is how you can convert a song from iTunes to a different file format and keep a copy of the original intact.

When you are converting files from a compressed format to an uncompressed one, for example converting an MP3 file to an AIFF one, the sound quality will remain the same.… Read the rest

Which Audio File Format Should I Use?

When you’ve been out and about, collecting music from the web, or digitizing your music collection, you have surely found out that there are way more audio formats out there than just MP3 – or Apple iTunes’ AIFF. Usually, it doesn’t matter much in which format you download or save a song or piece of music. But especially when iTunes or Windows Media Player aren’t able to open those files, a fast solution is needed.… Read the rest

Make Transcribing Easier!

In our daily life as well as in our work life, we have to handle a lot of different file types and formats day after day. Depending on how versatile and computer-savvy you are, you will have to deal with audio, video, spreadsheet, and presentations files more frequently than others. And if you have a job that requires you to work with online or other technical issues, you will find yourself face-to-face with unknown and diverse file formats even more.… Read the rest

How to create an iPhone Ringtone

Sure, those ringtones inherited by your iPhone or available on iTunes are nice, but don’t you want a more personal one? A part of your favorite song, or simply one that gets you up and going in the morning? To achieve that, you do not have to purchase a ringtone from the iTunes store! We can show you how it can be done very easily using the fitting cost-free resources and your iTunes library!… Read the rest