Why Free Online Conversion Is So Important

Free Online File Conversion Made EasyBillions upon billions of files are shared throughout the world via the web everyday. Not too long ago though, many of the files shared with others were problematic. They were either troublesome for the recipient or the sender. In most cases, for both. The reason for some of these problems were due to the types of files that were being sent or shared. Some files were either too big, or in the wrong format.Read the rest

What Does The p In 720p Stands For?

When you are editing and saving videos, you might have seem them before; numbers with a little p behind them. Even when you are just a casual YouTube watcher, you must have seen them before when checking the quality settings of the video you are watching. This already gives you a hint for what these numbers stand for: they are display or video resolutions.

The most common video resolutions you will come across today are 480p, 720p, 1080p or 2160p.… Read the rest

5 Easy Options For Uploading and Sharing Videos From Your iPhone

Best way to share videos with familyThere is no doubt that the smartphones of today are capable of capturing awesome and exciting videos. The iPhone is one of those great cellular gadgets for doing this. However, one of the problems most people have is capturing all those great videos and not being able to share them with others. After all, what is the sense of recording cool videos and others can’t see them?

This tutorial contains 5 easy options for uploading and sharing videos from your iPhone in very simple ways.Read the rest

Turn Animated GIFs Into Video [TUTORIAL]

From Animated GIF to Video

Animated GIFs, images that loop clips like a video, are very popular. They are used to express different moods or react to posts on social media or elsewhere online. They capture short sequences of a video or animate still images to loop after one another.

Sadly, animated GIFs are not supported by all social media platforms yet. Facebook and Instagram, for example, disable the animation. If you upload an animated GIF to either of them, all you will be able to see is the first frame of the image.… Read the rest

10 Great Ebook Apps For Ebook Lovers

10 Great Ebook Apps For Ebook LoversLet’s face it, Ebooks are here to stay. While there are those who don’t like to use them and rather stick to paper copies, others prefer the digital versions. No matter what, the truth is that ebooks are now a great big part of the book industry. These ten great ebook apps for ebook lovers will help make your reading experience that much better. One of the best things about ebooks is that you don’t even have to have a dedicated e-reader device.Read the rest

The Difference Between YouTube And Vimeo [INFOGRAPHIC]

YouTube is undoubtedly the number one video platform today, nearly unrivaled. And yet, there are other platforms out there in the web that offer the possibility to watch, upload and earn money with videos.

Which platform is the best for you to market you videos or find the right ones to watch? With this comparison of YouTube and probably its biggest rival, Vimeo, we will shed some light on this. Maybe it is worth to stray from the obvious choice of YouTube and consider Vimeo instead.… Read the rest

8 Awesome YouTube Tricks That Rock

Must read tricks and tips for watching YouTube VideosWhen it comes to watching videos on the internet, YouTube is the primary choice for most of us. That’s because there are all kinds of videos for you to watch and enjoy on the powerhouse video site. Although there are few other alternatives to YouTube, it is still number one for various reasons. But, there are certain tips that can make your user experience on YouTube even better. These 8 awesome YouTube tricks that rock will do just that.Read the rest

The Ultimate Guide To Google Search

Google has managed to evolve from a simple search engine on the internet, to a powerful media mogul. Hey, to google was even added to the dictionary in the year 2006, making it an official word in not only the English language. Thus, it’s only natural that many people use it each and every day to find information on the internet.

However, who feeds Google with search terms randomly is often times confronted with paid ads, unanswered forum entries for their questions or other inadequate search results.… Read the rest

Tips For Playing Videos Seamlessly On Your PC

Playing Videos smoothly on computer suggestionsThere is nothing more frustrating and annoying than watching choppy video playback on your computer. For one, it does not let you enjoy the movie or whatever video you are watching. Plus, it can also make the video much harder to understand. Luckily, these tips for playing videos seamlessly on your pc can help.

Choppy video playback can occur while you are watching them online or through a DVD. Regardless of how it happens, below are some suggestions to help you fix what may be causing the problem.… Read the rest

WhatsApp vs. Telegram – Which Messenger App To Use

Instant messaging is, slowly, replacing not only calls and e-mails, but also the native text massaging ability of modern phones. And the choice you have nowadays is huge. Next to the top messengers provided, there are many apps that allow you to send messages to anyone that has the app installed as well and shared their contact data with you.

Excluding the messenger from Facebook, there are two big messenger apps, that compete for the user’s attention: WhatsApp & Telegram.… Read the rest