How To Stop People From Stealing Your Wi-Fi

How To Stop People From Stealing Your Wi-FiAt any given moment, if you check how many Wi-Fi networks there are available where you live, you will probably find more than 10. That’s because most people have Wi-Fi in their homes or businesses these days. But it is very easy for someone to connect to any of those Wi-Fi signals. In the same way, it is very easy for those around your home or business to steal yours. If you have Wi-Fi (and who doesn’t these days?)Read the rest

How To Stop Videos From Autoplaying On Browsers

How to stop videos from playing automaticallyAutoplaying videos were meant to make a person’s internet browsing easier. However, most of us find the feature kind of annoying and if you have limited mobile data, costly. This tutorial on how to stop videos from autoplaying on browsers can help you. The autoplaying videos feature can be easily disabled on any browser. If you have Google Chrome, Safari or Opera, then you can end the autoplaying feature quick.

Not long ago, videos that would autoplay could be stopped without a problem since they used Flash.… Read the rest