Improving The Online Presence Of Your Small Business

Surviving and thriving in the current climate is tough. Just ask any small business owner, and you’ll get pretty much the same answer. Since the pandemic, things are changing and moving so rapidly, it’s difficult to keep up.

What can small business owners do when they have to close shops and stay at home? It turns out that they can do quite a lot. You see, like it or not, the pandemic has pushed so many businesses deeper into the digital age.… Read the rest

Using Video Background on Zoom

After the pandemic hits and working from home becomes the norm, video conferencing becomes more popular.

Along with the popularity, many embarrassing moments and horror stories pop up one after another. Most of those stories involve unexpected things happening in the background. From kids pooping to spouse walking around with barely anything on, the list of embarrassing events just keeps on coming.

One solution to prevent those embarrassing stories from happening to you and also to protect your privacy is to use a virtual background.… Read the rest

Your Instagram Pictures Are Always Free For Sharing

We know you’ve been working so hard doing everything you can to get more followers on Instagram, but do you know that there are consequences for being famous? One of those consequences is people will start using your content without your consent.

Taking and profiting from someone else’s content without their permission is supposedly a bad thing to do, right? Well, according to Insta’s ToC, anyone can do just that with the pictures you posted there.… Read the rest

What Camera Settings Should I Use for Landscape Photos

Mother Earth offers many wonders that people just love to immortalize in picture forms. However, people who enjoy taking landscape photos know how it feels to come home feeling disappointed as the pictures they took during their travel are not as good as they had hoped.

Are there such things as the perfect camera settings to master for landscape photography? Let’s find out!

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Best Camera Settings for Landscape Photography

When you ask around, you’ll see that the recommended camera settings for landscape photography are as follow:


Generally, you don’t want an open-wide aperture for landscape as you want to capture both the foreground and the background.… Read the rest

Macro Photography Ideas While In Lockdown

Macro Photography is the art of capturing the small world that normally not visible to the human eyes.  Enthusiasts of macro photography often go far and wide in search for the best photo subjects.

In these trying times, however, roaming around just to take pictures is just being irresponsible. We should all do our best to stay at home and limit our outdoor adventure to the bare minimum.

Macro Photography Ideas Around The House

Luckily, being in a lockdown doesn’t mean you can’t do any macro photography at all.… Read the rest

How to Fix a Slow Computer

Is your PC starting to feel as slow as a snail and taking its sweet time to do even the simplest tasks? You don’t have to put up with a slow PC. Follow these steps to have it working in its prime.

Quick Ways to Speed Up a Slow PC

#1. Restart your computer once a day

Many people who use laptops or PCs put their computer to sleep instead of shutting them down at the end of the day.… Read the rest

JPG Images With Transparency

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Many image file formats support transparency, also known as alpha channels. This includes GIF (animated or static), PNG and TIFF, as well as the vector graphic format SVG.

Especially in graphic design, PNG is very popular, while many websites use SVG for easily scalable logos with transparent background.

JPG files, on the other hand, are not known for supporting transparency. This might change in the near future though!… Read the rest

How Many e-Readers Does The Market Need?

Reading is the favorite pastime for millions of people around the globe. A large portion of these avid readers prefers printed books to ebooks. They say paper books have the feel that ebooks can never match. They also say printed books are easier on the eyes.

Despite the advantages of printed books, the number of readers who prefer ebooks is on the rise. Interestingly, the number of new e-readers is also growing.… Read the rest

What To Store In The Cloud

Cloud storage has been the rave these past years. It offers much flexibility for companies that need a reliable data storage solution. Being able to access and update files using any device then collaborate with your team anywhere at the same time are just some of the flexibilities that cloud storage offers.

Despite its many benefits, cloud storage still possesses some risks. Security, for example. You still need to sort out which files can be put in the cloud and which ones can’t.… Read the rest

Should You Shoot Videos In RAW?

Most photographers will vouch for the importance of shooting in RAW as it offers so many benefits. But what about when shooting videos? Should everyone shoot videos in RAW too?

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Why Shoot RAW Videos?

Just like the RAW settings when you shoot still pictures, the RAW setting for shooting videos also captures and saves all data with zero processing. That’s right, the camera saves whatever information the image sensor is feeding without deciding which one is important and which one should be scraped off.… Read the rest