Should You Shoot Videos In RAW?

Most photographers will vouch for the importance of shooting in RAW as it offers so many benefits. But what about when shooting videos? Should everyone shoot videos in RAW too?

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Why Shoot RAW Videos?

Just like the RAW settings when you shoot still pictures, the RAW setting for shooting videos also captures and saves all data with zero processing. That’s right, the camera saves whatever information the image sensor is feeding without deciding which one is important and which one should be scraped off.… Read the rest

3 Top Reasons Why You Should Install A Dash Cam

Installing a dashboard camera (dash cam) in the car is one of the smartest moves car owners can take.  While insurance companies may not lower your payment if you have a dash cam installed in your car, having the recordings at hand can save yourself from a lot of trouble whenever the unexpected happens.

3 Top Reasons Why You Should Install A Dash Cam

#1. Car Accidents

Incompetent and inattentive drivers are serious threats on the road.… Read the rest

Improved Video Aspect Ratio Conversion

Video Aspect Ratio
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Avid users of Online Convert know: when converting to video, you can also use basic video editing. This includes, among others, bitrate, frame rate, rotation, cropping, cutting, changing the audio settings, and more.

Another useful option is to change the screen size of the video. This can be done by specifying the width and height in pixels.

Today, we shall tell you about some great improvements that were made to this specific option.… Read the rest

Common Social Media Threats

Social media is like a staple for modern people. The advent of social media, however, brings forth a plethora of new threats. The followings are some common threats that social media use can bring. Familiarize yourself with these threats so you can be more prepared.

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#1. Identity theft

Getting your identity stolen is no joke. It can drain your bank account, ruin your credit, or even get you in trouble with the law.… Read the rest

AV1 – The New Video Codec

Technology has advanced more in the last thirty years than in the previous two thousand. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue.

Niels Bohr
AV1 Video Codec
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Niels Bohr’s statement cannot be denied. The internet and technology have come a long, long way – and there are new developments almost daily.

Today, we shall look at a special development, namely the introduction of a new video codec.

What are (video) codecs and what makes this new one so special?… Read the rest

Why Haven’t Dailymotion Caught Up With YouTube?

Dailymotion is the much-needed competition for YouTube. Millions of content creators are wishing for this YouTube alternative to thrive. YouTube has too much power over content creators, deciding right and wrong using ambiguous standards and punishing the content creators for whatever reason they see fit.

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Why Is Dailymotion So Behind YouTube?

After taking a closer look, we found several issues with Dailymotion that making it hard to get pass YouTube as the de facto entertainment site on the internet.… Read the rest

Should You Use Auto or Manual Focus for Videos?

There’s a time and place for everything, right? This saying is also true when you’re making videos and having to choose between manual or autofocus. Professional video makers will often advise you to use manual focus, but does that mean there’s no place for autofocus in making videos? Which one should you go with?

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Auto vs. Manual Focus for Videos

Here are some likely settings when you need to decide whether to use auto or manual focus when shooting videos.… Read the rest

3GP vs. MP4 – How do They Differ?

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If you’re part of the not-so-young generation, you should be well acquainted with the 3GP format.  What is this file format anyway? How does it differ to MP4? And which one’s better? Find out all the answers below.

What is 3GP?

3GP is a container format much like MP4 with more focus on low storage and bandwidth requirements. Just like MP4, 3GP also supports variable bit rate and frame rate.… Read the rest

Video Recording

Video Recording


Almost everyone has a smartphone by now, and many use their phone’s camera not only to take photos but to record short or longer videos for themselves, social media, or even YouTube.

For a start, a smartphone camera can be enough to record your videos. What if you want to become more professional though? There are a few things you should know about recording with a video camera, DSLR, and also your phone.… Read the rest

Why Your YouTube Videos Look Terrible

Your YouTube videos look terrible because of these reasons ...


Imagine bracing high winds to get that once-in-a-lifetime video of your favorite outdoor adventure, but when you upload it to YouTube for the world to see, the video quality isn’t as good as it should be. That just makes you want to spit out some colorful words, right?

This is a real issue. Some folks complain about YouTube playing their videos at worse quality than what they see when they play the video on their computer.… Read the rest