Tools Every Graphic Designer Needs

If you are an aspiring graphic designer and you want to leave your mark in the industry, then there are some tools that you need to have. We have discussed some useful tools for web and graphic designers already, mostly online or open source. These tools, however, are a must for every graphic designer as well. They are incredibly beneficial and it is important to have everything at your disposal as a graphic designer.… Read the rest

Top Video Converter Apps Of The Year

If you are looking to check out the top video convertor apps of the year, well you are in luck, since that is precisely what we have decided to review. This week we have decided to review the best video converter apps of the year, which can definitely get your media library organized in the best possible way. These video converter apps are easy to use and are definitely a step above some of the rest that are available in the market today.… Read the rest

Best Open Source Video and Music Players

Computers function as full entertainment systems by now. This means that the programs you have on your computer must be able to play music as well as videos and movies. On Windows computers, you have the Windows Media Player for this, and Mac users oftentimes rely on the Quicktime Player.

However, there are formats that are not supported by those operating system native programs. Over the past years, they have developed, featuring more settings, features, and functions.… Read the rest

Optimize Your Videos For Vimeo

Sure, YouTube is the number one video platform out there, but it is by far not the only one! Today, we want to take a closer look at a YouTube “competitor”, namely at Vimeo.

Vimeo is a video platform that allows you to watch and upload videos created by the Vimeo user community. Movies, episodes of series, and sport events are often offered by broadcasters and companies either as Video On Demand or Download for a small fee.… Read the rest

Online-Convert: It’s That Easy To Use

Are you the type of person who dreads turning that computer on every day because you are sure it is secretly out to get you? When your fancy new television set beeps, do you worry that an explosion will follow? Do you have to ask your kids for help when you want to check your phone messages?

If this sounds like you, you may think that “converting” files on your computer is way out of your league – and you may wonder why you would ever want to do that, anyway.… Read the rest

Best Free Video Players

If you have a windows computer, you have certainly used the Windows Media Player already. And If you own a Mac, you are familiar with Quicktime and iTunes. However, there are still issues with these players and programs when it comes to certain video file types or codecs used in a video container file. Often times, those free or operation system native video playing programs have limitations that prevent you from watching the video you wanted.… Read the rest

How To View All Kinds Of Files Without Installing Anything

Did you know that there are several options on how to view all kinds of Files without having to install the specific program needed? Yes, even programs that are capable of opening and displaying different kinds of files mostly require download and installation – if not even a purchase!

Thus, we have collected a view websites that allow you to view different kinds of audio, document, eBook, spreadsheet, image, or presentation files online.… Read the rest

How to Convert Video for Android Phones

The video world has exploded over the last few years. Almost everyone can record a video anytime they see something spectacular. They can even record something ordinary and edit the video to make it spectacular. Of course, sometimes you might want to record ordinary things so you can preserve them in the video format and have them forever. Creating the video really is as easy as clicking the “record” button. However, it can become much more difficult when you try to watch your video on your phone, or send it to your friends and family to see.… Read the rest

Google’s Open Standard File Formats

There are many different kinds of file formats out there, most of them associated to certain programs or developers. Take for example Adobe’s PDF or PSD (Photoshop) files; all the different document files by Microsoft, Apple, and the open source equivalents; or eBook files that are solely linked to the Amazon Kindle. Many of these files and especially their skeleton or insides are protected or even secret. This makes it difficult for other (open source) programs to open, process, or create them.… Read the rest

YouTube Video Format Error

It can be very disheartening to go through all the work to get a video ready to post to YouTube and then have it be rejected because it’s the wrong video format.  But the good news is this, if you get a YouTube video format error, it is typically something very easy to fix, and we’re going to show you how.

Getting the format error from YouTube can be scary if it’s the first time you’ve ever seen it.… Read the rest