7 Top Anti-Virus Programs For Free

7 Top Anti-Virus Programs For FreeLet’s face it. In this day and age of hackers running rampant on the web it is essential for everyone to do the best to protect themselves and their computers. Surfing the internet without an anti-virus or any kind of protection is not only crazy, it is outright dangerous. In fact, doing so can be compared to you leaving your home or apartment doors wide open – without any locks – and then going to work or on vacation.
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WhatsApp Web – How To Use WhatsApp On Your Computer

WhatsApp is probably the number one messaging service for smartphones! Messages, voice messages, calls and even video calls are no problem with this popular mobile app! It is available for not only Android, iOS and Windows phone, but even for the Blackberry and the Nokia S60!

It’s safe to say that WhatsApp has revolutionized the conversations we have using our phones and many messengers tried and still try to reach the fame and popularity of WhatsApp.… Read the rest

How Big Data Is Changing The Mobile Industry

In today’s fast moving tech world, the mobile industry is becoming the key to almost all of the things around us. Smartphones are no longer used just to make phone calls. These days, mobile phones are used to help us connect and control just about everything in our lives. The same can be said for big data analytics and mobile data analytics. But just how is big data changing the mobile industry?Read the rest

Compress PDFs On MacOS Without Losing Quality

PDFs files are great and make it so easy for us to share text and graphics which seem like printed documents with just about anyone. But sometimes, there are certain tips and tricks about a program or software that can make using PDFs a lot easier. This tutorial shows you how to compress PDFs on macOS without losing quality. Best of all, you don’t have install any software or added programs since your mac already has it.Read the rest

Turn An Animated GIF Into A Video [Tutorial]

Animated GIF To Video

That we can turn short snippets of movies and video clips to animated GIF is a known fact. If you want to know hos this works, check out our movie to animated GIF tutorial!

Today, however, we want to talk about the reverse of this. Animated GIFs can be turned (back) into video clips as well. Let us first have a look at why you’d want to do that and then jump right into the tutorial.… Read the rest

8 Tips and Tricks For Getting Free Wi-Fi Anywhere

With so much to do on the internet these days, it is very easy for us to use up all of our mobile data really quickly. Some people without limits or data end up going over and racking up huge bills each month. But what can a person do when there is so much stuff to check out and do online? The best way to browse the web, avoid wasting your mobile data and getting a huge bill is using free Wi-Fi when you can.… Read the rest

10 Benefits To Using Cloud Services

A decade or so ago, none of us could have ever imagine that we would be able to store our files in a virtual ‘cloud’ someday. Yet that is exactly what has transpired with the invention of cloud computing services. These days, there are many advantages to storing your files on a cloud server. The only questions for those that are not making use of the cloud is why not and what are you waiting for?… Read the rest

Avoid The Super Mario Run Android Scam

There is a new game in the world of apps called Super Mario Run. It is taking the app world by storm and causing many to download it. However, Super Mario Run is only available for iOS and Android users are being lured by imitation versions. Android mobile owners should avoid the Super Mario Run Android scam going on with impersonating versions now available on Google Play.

Just like Pokemon Go became an instant app hit, so has Super Mario Run.Read the rest

How To Convert Your Documents To DOCX

With so many different types of document file formats out there, sometimes it can become a problem using them. This is especially so if you need to convert your files to another format. Such is many times the case for DOCX files. That’s why this article showing how to convert your documents to DOCX is so helpful.

No matter what type of file format you have, you can change it without much hassle.Read the rest

Online-Convert.com Insights – The User Dashboard


Using the online file conversion service of Online-Convert.com is completely free for files under 100 MB. However, we have already pointed out the advantages of registering for a free account. Following up on this, we would like to have a closer look at one of these advantages: the Online-Convert.com user dashboard.

Read more to find out about all the information you can get from the dashboard and how you can effectively use it.… Read the rest