How To View All Kinds Of Files Without Installing Anything

Did you know that there are several options on how to view all kinds of Files without having to install the specific program needed? Yes, even programs that are capable of opening and displaying different kinds of files mostly require download and installation – if not even a purchase!

Thus, we have collected a view websites that allow you to view different kinds of audio, document, eBook, spreadsheet, image, or presentation files online.… Read the rest

How to pay without creating a PayPal account

Many services all over the world wide web require you to pay via PayPal. Why? Because it’s easy, convenient, and provides many useful features, securities, and possibilities for both, buyers and sellers. Yet, not everyone feels safe using and registering for PayPal, and linking their bank account information to their new PayPal account. PayPal fraud is still something many people are afraid of. All that’s needed – most of the time – is clicking on one link to give your private information to someone on the other side of the net.… Read the rest

Files supported by Android

There are a few ongoing battles in the world of (digital) media.

In the gaming world, there had been Sega vs. Nintendo, and now it’s PlayStation vs XBox. Which is better? Which features the better games, the better graphics? Which is more user friendly? Which has the better price? And so on, and so on… Both sides always come up with striking arguments why to buy the PlayStation 4 or the XBox One, and at the same time, both sides provide even better arguments why to NOT by the opposition’s product.… Read the rest

An Online File Converter Will Beat Any App Every Time

As the world shifts further towards mobile devices and away from desktops, the rise of file conversion apps has become noticeable. And why shouldn’t they be popular? They’re small in size, a few swipes and taps away, and at times require no internet connection. However, file conversion apps have yet to topple online file converters from the top.

If you have been using apps instead of the real deal, here are the top reasons why you should re-embrace online file converters.… Read the rest

5 Reasons to Convert Word DOC to PDF

MS Word is one of the most popular word processors around. However, even its most loyal users take advantage of online file converters to create PDF (Portable Document Format) versions when sending certain information like bills or handouts. This is because word documents can be altered whereas PDF ones can’t. If you want more reasons to convert word to PDF, here are five.

#1) Word Documents Don’t Keep Their Formatting

One of the main reasons people use Word to PDF converters is because MS Word reformats documents when opened on a different computer.… Read the rest

3 Reasons to Bookmark an Online File Converter

An online file converter spares you the need to install multiple programs to convert your documents, audio files, video clips, etc. It also doesn’t come with the risk of viruses and other threats to your devices. Besides, it is so convenient since you only need to type a URL and select a few options to get the format you need. These reasons and more make a web-based converter a valuable resource.… Read the rest

How to copy a video file and MP3 to your mobile phone

Example QRcodeI still have one of these old bricks, a mobile phone without a shiny display, just a mouse cinema, not one of these new smartphones. But I still use it quite a lot, I love to play Mahjongg (the real traditional Chinese one), listen to music or my Spanish lessons and sometimes I even watch some short clips.

The problem I often face is how to get the files I want to my mobile phone.… Read the rest