Post-Editing Of Recordings

It’s common practice for reporters, journalists and interviewers to not only take notes, but to record auditory reminders as well. Speeches, press conferences, interviews or even the perfect formulation or thought that has to be quickly saved for the writing process that follows later – they all are best and most easily preserved by making a recording of the audio in question.

In this article, we want to talk about the benefits of producing auditory notes on top of hand-written ones and how… Read the rest

Why People Will Always Need Files & Conversion



Recently, there have been some well known businessmen in the digital & Internet industry who have said files are dead. However, we, and many others believe that is not the case. For this reason, we have put together this article showing why people will always need files & conversion in their digital and Internet world.








Don’t Believe The Dead Files Hype


For many years now, numerous technologists, commentators and websites have been predicting the death of the file hierarchy as we know it.Read the rest

How To Convert Video To MP3

Do you know this feeling? You heard a great piece of music in a video and you are dying to put it onto your phone, MP3-Player or into iTunes.

Good thing that ripping the audio data from a video can be done within minutes!


In this tutorial, we tell you how to get music or other audio tracks from a video with ease and in no time!


Video To MP3

For our tutorial, we decided to take a video from… Read the rest

Does Bit Rate Matter? Test Yourself! [Audio Examples]

If you have looked into audio or video files a bit more in-depth, you surely stumbled over the term bit rate. When you are creating or converting video and audio files, the bit rate plays a crucial role when it comes to the audio quality of your respective voice recording, music piece, movie, or video clip. Thus, we at decided to wrap up some information that you should know about bit rate!… Read the rest

Adding Media To Your PowerPoint & Keynote Presentation

Despite the stigma, PowerPoint, Keynote, or other slideshow presentations are still the number one go-to tool for public, educational, and business presentations. No matter if you are presenting on a large or smaller scale, presenting important graphs, keywords, and findings, using a slideshow program makes it easier for you to set up the presentation, and visually more appealing for your audience.

We are not here to tell you how to do or present your findings, but we can help you with a very valid question when it comes to Microsoft’s PowerPoint: What kind of media can I add to my PowerPoint and Keynote slides?… Read the rest

How to Fix Files Ready to be Written to The Disc Message

No matter what version of windows you have installed on your PC or laptop, then chances are you have seen the message of ‘files ready to be written to the disc’ sometime or another.  We have put together this easy to follow guide to show you how to fix and remove the files ready to be written to the disc error message and in the process get rid of that annoying message from popping up again.… Read the rest

Files Supported By Your Wii U

Over the past two weeks, we have had a look at files and other media supported by some of the leading gaming consoles on the market; the PlayStation 4, PSP, and PS Vita and the Xbox One. Today, we shall have a look at the more “family friendly” gaming console from Nintendo, the Wii U. Lets find out which media files, discs, and streaming services are supported by the Nintendo console.… Read the rest

Files Supported By Your PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and PSP

As we have stated in our last week’s post about files supported by the Xbox One, we do not want to engage in the ongoing battle between console gamers. Whether you have a Xbox One or a PlayStation 4, we want to present to you the amount of information that you need. After covering the Xbox topic already, today we will have a look at games, discs, and file formats supported by the new generation of Sony’s PlayStation gaming consoles.… Read the rest

Tips For Recording An Audition Audio File

In order to ensure that you make it big as a recording artist you will have to ensure that you get the audition audio file spot on. You may sound great but if you are looking to record an audition audio file, there are certain things that you can do in order to ensure that the audio quality doesn’t fall apart. Therefore, we have decided to provide you with some of the best tips for recording an audition audio file.… Read the rest

Files Supported By Xbox One

No, we will not engage in the ever going fight between console users. We do not state that the XBOX One is Better than the PS4, or vice versa. Instead, we will give all Xbox One users an interesting and informative overview of the discs, files, and streaming services that are supported by their console of choice.

Discs and Games

Contrary to the predecessor Xbox 360, the Xbox One has an in-build Blu-Ray drive, enabling the Xbox One users to watch Blu-Ray movies on their console.… Read the rest