From XPS To DOC & PDF – Why & How To Do It


Especially when using a Windows computers, you may have stumbled upon these files already:

XPS stands for XML Paper Specification File and it is, so to speak, Microsoft’s alternative to the well known and commonly used Adobe PDF format. Sometimes, XPS is the only fixed layout file you are able to generate using a Windows computer with installing further programs or software.

Hence why we at decided to give you a small and handy guide in how to convert XPS files to PDF and then to DOC for further editing and manipulation, or to PDF for printing, sharing and uploading to the web.… Read the rest

The Differences Between Lossless And Lossy Compression


The amount of files and data a person can accumulate over a period of time, can quickly fill out their hard drives or cloud storage space. Because of that, many people have to look for ways to reduce the amount of space those files are taking up. Since deleting those files, is often not an option, resorting to file compression is another alternative. However, before you begin to convert your files, or compress them, you need to know about the methods available.Read the rest

Microsoft Word vs. OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice

With the regained trust in Microsoft and Windows 10, there is some debate about which programs should be used for your everyday computer needs. Should you still use OpenOffice as your go-to office program suite? Or is, with the upgrade, Microsoft Word the better alternative again? What about LibreOffice?

Lets have a look at what the future may bring for the office suite you want to put your trust in.


Microsoft Office And Company

Slowly but surely, the number of people that permanently switch to Windows 10 is rising. … Read the rest

10 Ways To Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Better

PowerPoint presentations are very popular and widely used by many people to convey their messages to others. However, often times, the majority of the people watching these presentations become bored or tuned them out before the message can even begin to be told. In order to avoid giving a boring or ineffective PowerPoint presentation, there are several tips you should follow. Below are some of 10 best ways to make sure your next PowerPoint presentation is a successful one.Read the rest

10 Microsoft Word Tricks You Should Know



Microsoft word has been around for a long time helping many people easily work on documents of all kinds. There are numerous shortcuts and tips which make using the powerful word processor even easier. Check out some of these 10 Microsoft word tricks you may or may not know about below.







1 – By now, most of us know about using the shortcuts ‘Ctrl+v’ and ‘Ctrl+c’ to quickly copy and paste our work in word.… Read the rest

Differences Between Data Archiving vs Backup



Computers, cellphones and other electronic gadgets are omnipresent and thus the growth of the amount of data which we accumulate each day increases. This is why it is very important to know the differences between data archiving vs backup. Which is better for you and which method should you choose are some of the questions answered in this guide.





What Is Data Archiving?


With the explosions of social media sites, streaming services and so many other things which we are able to do Online these days, it is very easy to fill up our devices with data very quickly.Read the rest

How To Save Different Document File Formats

There are many different document file types out there and not all of them work the same way. Opening a PAGES document on a Windows computer is bothersome and sending Microsoft Word documents is not advised because everyone can easily edit them.

In earlier articles, we have talked a lot about the how and why you may need to convert or save your documents into or as a different file format.… Read the rest

Guide On How To Easily Email a PowerPoint Presentation

One of the most used ways for curriculum delivery by teachers of e-learning courses to students and other colleagues is via PowerPoint presentations. This step by step useful guide on how to easily email a PowerPoint presentation or an e-learning course can come in handy. Most e-learning courses and PowerPoint presentations usually contain numerous hyperlinks and loads of files. They are also very large  in size which makes it almost impossible to share because of size limit restrictions.Read the rest

Why People Will Always Need Files & Conversion



Recently, there have been some well known businessmen in the digital & Internet industry who have said files are dead. However, we, and many others believe that is not the case. For this reason, we have put together this article showing why people will always need files & conversion in their digital and Internet world.








Don’t Believe The Dead Files Hype


For many years now, numerous technologists, commentators and websites have been predicting the death of the file hierarchy as we know it.Read the rest

Convert Your Blog Article To PDF For A Greater Reach

There are several reasons of why it might be useful to convert your blog articles to PDF. It’s an easy way to make the most out of your content and increase traffic to your blog and other websites. The best of all: you can do so by using content you already created. The blog articles you wrote already are your subjects of work, which means that you do not have to shed more blood, sweat and tears to create new content.… Read the rest