The Best Photo Settings for iPhone

The best photo settings for iPhone. Person holding an iPhone.

Unlock the full potential of your iPhone’s camera with our guide to The Best Photo Settings for iPhone! Whether you’re capturing everyday moments or aiming for a professional look, this guide will walk you through essential settings to elevate your photography game. Grab your iPhone and let’s get started!

1. Start in the Settings App

The first step in enhancing your iPhone photography is to go to the Settings app.… Read the rest

All About Mac Image File Formats

Woman on Mac, using Mac Image File Formats

When working on a Mac, you will encounter many image file formats. Whether you’ve taken a photo with a digital camera, scanned an image, snapped a picture with your iPhone, or downloaded an image from the internet, each will be in a specific format. If you want to understand different Mac image file formats and their uses, here are the most common ones!


What is JPEG?

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.… Read the rest

JPEG vs PNG: Are You Using the Wrong Format

JPEG vs PNG, a woman converting images on her laptop.

Curious about the distinctions between image formats like JPEG and PNG? Confused about the .jpeg vs .jpg debate or animated PNGs? Get ready as we unravel the intricacies that make the ‘JPEG vs PNG’ differences more fascinating than you think. Let’s begin with the basics and work our way up!

JPEG vs PNG: Basics

The distinctions between JPEG and PNG boil down to three crucial differences. PNG outshines as a superior format in nearly every aspect, except for one notable exception.… Read the rest

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints

Big printer. The best type for ordering prints.

Indeed, what is the best file type for ordering prints? When it comes to uploading images to a website for printing, choosing the right file format is crucial. The quality of the final print can depend significantly on the format you select.

So, let’s find out which are the most suitable file types and the factors to consider when preparing your images for print orders.

Why JPEGs Work for Smartphone Photos?

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RAW vs. JPEG: Which Format is Right for You

A photographer taking shoots at sunset. RAW vs JPEG

The RAW vs. JPEG debate has raged on in the world of photography, with passionate advocates on both sides. While some swear by shooting in RAW, others find JPEG to be a more practical choice.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between RAW and JPEG formats, dispel any confusion, and discover how the emerging compressed RAW format could revolutionize your photography.

Understanding RAW and JPEG

RAW Format: Unprocessed Data

RAW files are the untouched, uncompressed data captured by your camera’s sensor.… Read the rest

JPEG Chroma Subsampling

A girl using JPEG Chroma Subsampling on Online Convert.

What is Chroma Subsampling?

Chroma Subsampling or Color Subsampling is a technique used in digital image processing and compression to reduce the amount of data required to accurately represent color information. In other words, it involves reducing the resolution of the chrominance (color) information while maintaining the full resolution of the luminance (brightness) information. This technique is widely used in various image and video compression standards, including the popular JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image format.… Read the rest

10 Things Every Mac Owner Should Know

10 things every Mac owner should know. A man on his Mac PC.

As a Mac owner, it’s easy to appreciate the simplicity and elegance of Apple’s technology. While Macs are known for their intuitive user interface, there are still some hidden features and tricks that even experienced Mac users may not be aware of. To help you out, we will present 10 things every Mac owner should know about. Whether you are a longtime Mac user or a recent convert, keep on reading and learn how to get more from the operating system of your Mac!Read the rest

When Will JPEG Become Obsolete?

How many times have you downloaded an image from the internet and it’s not in JPEG? Not very often, right? It’s a curious fact that one image format can be such a ubiquitous choice for people. It’s like the other format is completely redundant. Judging from the state of things, this format’s popularity will probably outlive us all.

Image By:

When will JPEG Become Obsolete?

JPEG images are everywhere. The main reason is that this format is backed by the photography industry.… Read the rest

Converting JPEG to RAW – Is There Any Point?

Should you convert a jpeg image file to raw?

Everyone who’s starting photography will, at some point, hear the advice to shoot RAW. The big reason is that a RAW file stores the red, green, and blue information as is. No preset is applied to it, so when you need to tweak it later in post processing, all the data is there. Later on, you can save it in any format you wish such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and many more.… Read the rest

The Difference Between JPG & JPEG



If you had any contact with digital images before – may it be on a website or Facebook, or when dealing with photographies – you have surely heard of JPG files. If you have paid attention to the file extensions, however, you might have seen it written in different ways before. The usage of JPG or JPEG files may cause confusion. That’s what we are here for.

Today, we have a look at the question: what’s the difference when it comes to JPG vs JPEG?… Read the rest