10 Easy LibreOffice Writer Tips To Speed Your Work

Woman writing on her laptop; LibreOffice tips to Speed your work

LibreOffice is free, open-source office software that can easily compete with Microsoft Word. It is a great alternative to other office packages and is becoming increasingly popular among Linux users. If you have just switched from Word to LibreOffice, in this article, you will find the essential tips on using LibreOffice Writer. Make the writing process easier and save some valuable time. Here are our 10 easy LibreOffice Writer tips and tricks.Read the rest

How to Convert a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation

Person converting a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation

Undoubtedly, one of the most used programs for people to write and share documents is still – Microsoft Word. If you want to present the content of your Word document in a different way, it is good to know how to convert a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation.

In this article, find out how to do it in three different ways. If you have a Microsoft 365 account, you can do this using Word for the web.… Read the rest

Preserve Nostalgic Texts With OCR

Nostalgia and OCR
Nostalgia and OCR
Image by https://bit.ly/2PKiW5G

Nowadays, most of the texts we write for school, work, college or privately are digital if not even online. Not too long ago, however, it was common to use a typewriter to put your thoughts, memories, and work to paper. Or to at least print the document and delete it afterward. That way, many old texts only exist on paper by now – just like a couple of short stories I recently found, typed by my grandmother.… Read the rest

Best File Formats for Prints

Just because your document looks great on your computer screen doesn’t guarantee it will look that way in prints. It’s a common issue for printed documents or images to have unwanted quirks that are not visible on the computer monitor. This is why you should save files in formats that are most suitable for prints.


But what are the best file formats for prints?

It depends on what kind of files you’re trying to print.… Read the rest

How To Recover Unsaved Documents

Since school is starting again, we decided to provide you with a useful tip that, on more than one occasion, saved the author’s life already. Today, we will find out how to recover unsaved documents both in Microsoft Word and in the open source alternative LibreOffice. If at least one of the following scenarios never happened to you, you were really lucky.

  1. You’re writing a long essay. In the middle of writing, something happens.
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How To Save Different Document File Formats

There are many different document file types out there and not all of them work the same way. Opening a PAGES document on a Windows computer is bothersome and sending Microsoft Word documents is not advised because everyone can easily edit them.

In earlier articles, we have talked a lot about the how and why you may need to convert or save your documents into or as a different file format.… Read the rest

File Formats For Saving Files In Microsoft Word

In an earlier blog entry, we have talked about the file formats Microsoft Office programs can open. Included were Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Notepad, WordPad and of course the word processing flagship Microsoft Word.

Knowing what files you can open with few or no struggle at all in Word is useful, no question, but what about saving documents in Microsoft Word? There is a big list of file formats you can export or save your writing in.… Read the rest

Popular Document Files & Their Differences

Sharing the written word has never been as easy as in the online world. Contracts, books, letters, thoughts, poems, notes… Whatever you want to write down, you can easily spread, send and share it over the internet. This is fairly easy, because most people are able to open, view, read or even edit the documents you send them. However, since there are many different kinds of documents, there may be some complications as well.… Read the rest

Why You Should Convert Your Job Application To PDF

When writing your job application, your mind is full of formulations, important dates, and weighing up your skills and qualifications. The format in which you should save your resume and cover letter is often a mere afterthought. This is wrong! If you send your resume in a format that may not only be difficult but maybe even impossible to open by the employer, your application will most probably wander into the trash bin unread.… Read the rest

Open Apple PAGES Files Without iWork

Different word processing software produce different document files with different file extensions. From Microsoft Word we all know DOC and DOCX, and the open source programs use files with the ODT extension. Yet, users of Apple Mac computers or devices running with the OS X also know one more: PAGES.

The native Mac word processing program Apple Pages allows you to save documents in the PAGES format. However, opening such files when you don’t have Pages on  your MAc or iWork on your computer is difficult.… Read the rest