Best Text Extraction OCR Tools | NEW FEATURE

How to write the best resume to get the job
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At we are constantly improving and expanding our collection of online file conversion tools. The newest addition to our list of features is a whole category for OCR converters only.

This special conversion is already available in some of our document converters, but now you can extract text from images or scans even better!

Read on to find out all you need to know about the OCR converters and how to grab text from photos, images, pictures, or scanned documents.… Read the rest

Compress Your Files Online | NEW FEATURE

Constant improvement and expanding our inventory of file conversion tools is one of the main goals of Thus, we are happy and proud to introduce our newest file editing category to you: Compress files!

Conversion is only one thing you can do with your files – and we’ve been taking care of this for years. Now, we will make sure that your files will not be too big!… Read the rest

Is Microsoft Edge Getting Better?

For years, Microsoft has tried their hardest to shove their new browser, Edge, down PC users’ throats. Unfortunately, for Microsoft, people have been keeping their distance with the browser for more than one reason. The majority feels that the browser of their choice, Google Chrome, is just far superior to Edge. There were just no logical reasons to replace it.

In reality, Chrome does have some major contenders such as Firefox, Safari, and Edge.… Read the rest

JPG Compression & Smaller Image Sizes

JPG Compression

The internet is a very visual place. Images and videos receive the most attention and often, quite poetically, speak more than a thousand words. With every smartphone being able to take video clips and photos, snapshots of your life are quickly uploaded to the net.

However, with cameras ever-evolving and improving, these photos are getting better for sure – but also bigger in size. To facilitate the upload, sharing, and sending of these photos, JPG compression can come in handy.… Read the rest

Why You Need to Use a Password Manager

Among the numerous problems that come with the internet, choosing a password is high up there on the list. Most people resort to easy-to-guess passwords like password123, secret, or even 12345678. Hackers just love such a show of ignorance.

One good advice for people who are too lazy to think of a unique password is to use a password manager. But should you really use one? Is it true that everyone needs to use password managers?… Read the rest

Do You Need a 4K Camera?

Is newer always better? Some people do think so. The ones in the videography field are no exception. Too many people think a 4K camera is a must-have so they can shoot better movies. In reality, 4K isn’t always better than HD.

Does anyone need a 4K camera?

4K videos are sharper and clearer than mere HD videos, but to many videographers, especially new ones, hastily chasing 4K videos may not be the best move.… Read the rest

How to Prevent Identity Theft Online

Identity theft is no joke. Globally, the financial loss from such practice goes north of $50 billion a year. Such massive loss is because people are still gullible to various tricks hackers use online. So, what can you do to protect yourself from identity theft? Here’s a short list of some things you can do to do just that.

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How to Reduce the Risk of Identity Theft

Update your security software

Computers, smartphones, and tablets require some form of protection from viruses and malware.… Read the rest

Is The HEIC Format Not Ready for Prime Time?

Taking the Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams) is an important step for high school students who wish to enter colleges. The year-long preparations of taking courses and mock exams in stressful to millions of students. The culmination of the stress takes place on the actual exam. Supposedly, once the students submitted their answers, they could lay back and relax for a bit. For many, that didn’t happen.

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Why HEIC Format is Not Ready for Prime Time

In the recent AP exam, the exams were made online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.… Read the rest

Here’s How To Make Great Home Videos

These days, it seems like everyone enjoys making videos. However, most people end up with so-so quality video. If you feel you’re one of them, here are some simple tips to make your next home video looks professional.

By the way, all the tips below are applicable whether you’re using a digital SLR camera or a phone. That’s right. Even when all you have is a smartphone, you can still make professional-looking home videos.… Read the rest

Video Conferencing Security and Privacy Tips

If you ask any tech enthusiast a year back, very few will be able to predict the rise of video conferencing as we see today. Not even the companies that make video conferencing applications were dreaming of such a huge boost of users in such a short timespan. Zoom’s users practically multiplied twenty-fold compared to last year. The pandemic sure brought radical changes in the way people work, study, and collaborate.… Read the rest