What To Store In The Cloud

Cloud storage has been the rave these past years. It offers much flexibility for companies that need a reliable data storage solution. Being able to access and update files using any device then collaborate with your team anywhere at the same time are just some of the flexibilities that cloud storage offers.

Despite its many benefits, cloud storage still possesses some risks. Security, for example. You still need to sort out which files can be put in the cloud and which ones can’t.… Read the rest

7 Social Media Safety Tips

Social media can be fun. That’s why billions of people are using them every day. Cybercriminals understand very well just how many people enjoy spending their time updating their status, liking other people’s posts, and engaging in conversations. The social media is like a goldmine for those crooks.

With the ever-growing increase of social media threats, should you stop using social media? Of course not. You just have to learn about the safe way of using social media.… Read the rest

The Threat of Steganography plus Malware

Hackers always find new techniques to exploit vulnerabilities and gain profit from them. One of the techniques hackers employ is called steganography or covered writing.

Steganography is the art of embedding information within other information. Computer files often have unused data in it, and steganography is perfect to replace those empty bits with a hidden payload. The hidden information itself can be plain text, ciphertext, images, or even a DLL (Dynamically Load Library).Read the rest

What are Favicons?

The first time the word favicon was known to the public was when Microsoft released Internet Explorer 5 two decades ago. Favicon, as you may have guessed, is a combination of the word “favorite” and “icon”. But, what is this thing really?

What is a favicon?

A favicon a.k.a favorite icon is an image file depicting the identity of a particular website. You often see it next to the website title whenever you visit a website.… Read the rest

From Adobe Flash to HTML5

Up to the mid-2000s Flash was everywhere on the web. You could see interactive elements made with Flash where ever you go. You also wasted hundreds of hours playing addicting Flash games. Who could’ve blamed you? There were hundreds of those games.

Fast forward a little bit and things started to change. When Apple decided not to support Flash in their mobile browser, Apple fans were upset. The feeling changed soon afterward because people realized that living without Flash was not so bad after all.… Read the rest

eBook Piracy – Should You be Worried?

During the Book Expo 2019, the Authors Guild, America’s oldest organization for writers, said publishers lost $300 million annually from online piracy.

Despite the apparent badness of that number, if you look at it with a glass-half-full mentality, the number also means so many people really enjoy reading ebooks. It’s true that ebook lovers are still growing. That, my friend, is a market for you to tap.

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@jackson_893
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When Will JPEG Become Obsolete?

How many times have you downloaded an image from the internet and it’s not in JPEG? Not very often, right? It’s a curious fact that one image format can be such a ubiquitous choice for people. It’s like the other format is completely redundant. Judging from the state of things, this format’s popularity will probably outlive us all.

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@jeshoots

When will JPEG Become Obsolete?

JPEG images are everywhere. The main reason is that this format is backed by the photography industry.… Read the rest