Why Free Online Conversion Is So Important

Free Online File Conversion Made EasyBillions upon billions of files are shared throughout the world via the web everyday. Not too long ago though, many of the files shared with others were problematic. They were either troublesome for the recipient or the sender. In most cases, for both. The reason for some of these problems were due to the types of files that were being sent or shared. Some files were either too big, or in the wrong format.Read the rest

What’s The Difference Between Baud Rate And Bitrate?

When talking about video and audio conversion, we have oftentimes stumbled across the mention of bitrate. It plays a big role in the quality of audio or video files and the compression of both respectively.

Does Bit Rate Matter? Test Yourself With These Audio Samples!

However, when you try to read up on different rates, you may have also stumbled upon a similar term: baud rate.


In order for you not to confuse these two, lets have a look at the differences between baud rate and bitrate.… Read the rest

Top Audio Formats And Which One To Use

When people wonder about audio formats, the majority of them think of MP3. However, there are many other types of audio formats out there, not just MP3. Audio file formats such as FLAC, WMA, AAC, OGG, OPUS and WMA are just some of the many others available. Still, with such a long list, which one is right for you? Which one should you choose or ignore altogether? This article goes over the top audio formats and which one may be your best choice.Read the rest

File Conversion Made Easy

There are countless different kinds and types of files out there which is why file conversion made easy is so important. Whether they are audio, video, document, image or mobile files, the list is very long. In addition to so many kinds of files available, there are also a vast amount of formats.

The variation of audio formats alone are AAC, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4. OGG, APUS, WAV and WMA.Read the rest

Tips On How To Avoid Vishing Attacks

Have you ever heard of vishing? Do you know what they are and how much of a threat they posed to you? Chances are that you have probably been a victim of it and have not even realized it. These tips on how to avoid vishing attacks can help you find out what you need to know. Vishing, also called voice or VoIP phishing, is a new way for hackers or scammers to try and trick you.Read the rest

How MP3 Files And Compression Works

If there is one file format which is universally recognized or widely used more than any other, it is MP3. Of course JPG is also very popular worldwide as well. Still, as far as audio files are concerned, MP3’s are the way to go. The fact is that the mp3 format has changed the music industry altogether in many ways. Combined with the internet, mp3 files allow people all over the world to share them.Read the rest

How To Find The Best Audio Conversion Tool

There are several reasons of why you might need a good audio converter. Extracting audio from a video or turning a written text into audio are just two examples. Oftentimes, it’s simply because you have your music stored in a file format that your playing device or software does not recognize.

In these cases, you need a trusty audio converter that makes you you are getting exactly the file you need!… Read the rest

The Differences Between Lossless And Lossy Compression


The amount of files and data a person can accumulate over a period of time, can quickly fill out their hard drives or cloud storage space. Because of that, many people have to look for ways to reduce the amount of space those files are taking up. Since deleting those files, is often not an option, resorting to file compression is another alternative. However, before you begin to convert your files, or compress them, you need to know about the methods available.Read the rest

All You Need To Know About Playlist & Project Files

On Online-Convert.com we have noticed that some users are facing difficulties when it comes to certain files. While conversion of audio and video files is a piece of cake for us, some files uploaded by our users can not me converted to MP3, MP4 or AVI.

This is especially confusing when the users are able to open their files and play the videos or music contained on their home computer. In most cases, the reason for this is easily explained.… Read the rest

How To Save WhatsApp Voice Messages

Whatsapp-iconOn February 1st 2016, WhatsApp announced that 1 billion people were using the WhatsApp messenger service– and the numbers are still rising. This makes WhatsApp, without a doubt, the most used messaging service available for mobile phones today.

According to this statistic, approximately 30 billion messages are sent via WhatsApp daily, with 700 million of those being photos, 200 million being voice messages and 100 million being video messages.


While images and videos are oftentimes automatically stored on your device or can easily be downloaded from the WhatsApp messenger, voice messages aren’t as easy to preserve.… Read the rest