Convert Your Blog Article To PDF For A Greater Reach

There are several reasons of why it might be useful to convert your blog articles to PDF. It’s an easy way to make the most out of your content and increase traffic to your blog and other websites. The best of all: you can do so by using content you already created. The blog articles you wrote already are your subjects of work, which means that you do not have to shed more blood, sweat and tears to create new content.… Read the rest

Popular Document Files & Their Differences

Sharing the written word has never been as easy as in the online world. Contracts, books, letters, thoughts, poems, notes… Whatever you want to write down, you can easily spread, send and share it over the internet. This is fairly easy, because most people are able to open, view, read or even edit the documents you send them. However, since there are many different kinds of documents, there may be some complications as well.… Read the rest

Should I Convert To PDF Or EPUB?

Nowadays it is easy to carry your documents around without having to print them on paper. You can read them from everywhere, share them online or via email, and distribute them to a wide variety of people. Same goes for books that can be published easier and faster thanks to the growing e-book popularity.

For each purpose, there seems to be a dominant file format most people use to save, store, distribute, share, send, and download their documents and books in.… Read the rest

Why You Should Convert Your Job Application To PDF

When writing your job application, your mind is full of formulations, important dates, and weighing up your skills and qualifications. The format in which you should save your resume and cover letter is often a mere afterthought. This is wrong! If you send your resume in a format that may not only be difficult but maybe even impossible to open by the employer, your application will most probably wander into the trash bin unread.… Read the rest

Convert JPG to PDF

Images, photos, designs, charts, data – many of these information are commonly stored in an image file format, and even those less common are sometimes only available as JPG, PNG, or a similar image file. Many layouts, designs, and templates are available in even less known formats like SVG or TGA.

As a user or client, you may still want to open them or present the data in an appealing way.… Read the rest

How to Convert Images to PDF

You can do a lot of things with images these days, but there are still times when the image file is too cumbersome or doesn’t have all the functionality it needs. If this is the case, knowing how to convert images to PDF might solve whatever problem you’re having.

Make it Searchable

First, it’s important to note that an “image file” isn’t just restricted to the types of images you’re used to seeing from cameras and phones.… Read the rest