PNG File Format Comparisons

PNG is short for Portable Network Graphic (PNG); a lossless image format uses a bitmap of indexed colors. Its birth was to replace the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). Since GIF used a Unisys-patented LZW compression algorithm, free software couldn’t create GIF files without paying a license.

Here, we are going to compare PNG with GIF, JPEG, and TIFF so you’ll know which format you should use on your next project.

PNG vs.

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How To Convert HEIC To JPG

Convert HEIC

Together with rolling out iOS 11, Apple introduced a new image file format: HEIC.

We have gathered all kinds of information about this new image file format back then. With HEIC now also coming to Android, it’s about time to show you how you can convert your HEIC photos to JPG, PNG or another, better-supported image file format.

How To Convert From HEIC To JPG

Turning your photos from HEIC to JPG, PNG, WebP, ICO or into any other image format is quite easy.… Read the rest

Why And How To Convert From PDF To JPEG [Tutorial]



While PDF is a very versatile file format, it might be helpful to have your PDF documents in another format. For example, it is a lot easier and more intuitive to view an image file on a mobile phone compared to a PDF.

So, what can you do? Convert your PDF to JPEG, PNG, WEBP or other image formats.


Why Convert From PDF To JPEG?

First of all, why would you want to convert your document into an image?… Read the rest

How To Convert PDF To PNG [Tutorial] makes sure that you get the best service possible when it comes to online file conversion. Simple problems you are facing every day might be easily solved by converting the file that gives you a headache. Documents, images, videos, music files, archives, e-books? There is a solution for all.

This article will address issues that can be instantly solved by a very simple conversion from PDF to PNG.… Read the rest

De-Skew Crooked Images – Website Tutorial

Before digital cameras, photos had to develop and you received them printed on special paper. This was common even when digital cameras slowly took over and even today, people like to print out their favorite shots. What if you want to digitalize old photos and albums though? Then you have to scan those images to make a digital copy.

Usually, scanners give you numerous ways to make sure your image is angled correctly.… Read the rest

Crop Images Online – Website Tutorial

Image editing is an almost substantial part of our lives by now. Almost no image is uploaded to social media that hasn’t been enhanced in some way. Face tuning, filters, adding stamps and emojis, and more.

On, you also have the possibility to apply some basic image editing when converting your image files. Of course, this is also possible when creating screenshots from a video. We have explained the image enhancing settings already.… Read the rest

Solve Image Upload Errors On Social Media & More


When working on the web, images have a huge impact. They are catching the eye of a potential customer or buyer and gain a lot more reach and views – and thus conversion – than simple text posts on social media.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is extremely difficult to work with images due to certain restrictions and conditions you have to follow. They differ from Facebook to Twitter, from WordPress to Tumblr, etc.… Read the rest

Optimizing Images for Your Blog

If you want a successful blog, you need to start paying as much attention to the images in it as the content. Yes, content is king, but people prefer to read content interspersed with interesting images than a solid wall of text.

Here are some tips to optimize images for your blog!


1. Use descriptive file names

Avoid generic image file names such as DSC10098.JPG. Instead, use a more descriptive name that fits the image and its purpose.… Read the rest

Why You Should Consider Converting From JPG To SVG

There are many different image formats on the world wide web and even more when you regularly download, take and edit pictures. If you work with image files, either professionally or on a private basis, you surely came across the so-called SVG image format. Even if you haven’t actively worked with it yet, there are many advantages of this format.

Thus, in today’s article, we will have a look at why it might be useful for you to convert your already existing JPG and PNG images into the SVG format.… Read the rest

Save Photos & Videos From Instagram!

Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with your friends and other fans of your life, clothes, lifestyle or the great photos you take. And of course, others do that to! If you stumble across a great picture or video on your feed, you can admire it, like it, comment, or even send it forward to other Instagram users. But that’s about all you can do when it comes to sharing Instagram posts with other people.… Read the rest