What Does The p In 720p Stands For?

When you are editing and saving videos, you might have seem them before; numbers with a little p behind them. Even when you are just a casual YouTube watcher, you must have seen them before when checking the quality settings of the video you are watching. This already gives you a hint for what these numbers stand for: they are display or video resolutions.

The most common video resolutions you will come across today are 480p, 720p, 1080p or 2160p.… Read the rest

Turn Animated GIFs Into Video [TUTORIAL]

From Animated GIF to Video

Animated GIFs, images that loop clips like a video, are very popular. They are used to express different moods or react to posts on social media or elsewhere online. They capture short sequences of a video or animate still images to loop after one another.

Sadly, animated GIFs are not supported by all social media platforms yet. Facebook and Instagram, for example, disable the animation. If you upload an animated GIF to either of them, all you will be able to see is the first frame of the image.… Read the rest

Turn An Animated GIF Into A Video [Tutorial]

Animated GIF To Video

That we can turn short snippets of movies and video clips to animated GIF is a known fact. If you want to know hos this works, check out our movie to animated GIF tutorial!

Today, however, we want to talk about the reverse of this. Animated GIFs can be turned (back) into video clips as well. Let us first have a look at why you’d want to do that and then jump right into the tutorial.… Read the rest

The Perfect Format To Embedded Videos On A Website

Embedding videos into a website is common practice for many different purposes. Online shops show a more detailed view or usage video for their products. Gurus from different areas present their how-to videos on their webpages. And some companies simply want to incorporate a small company portrait or introduction on their website.

As diverse as the purposes are the ways to embedd a video on your homepage. And for the different ways, you need different video formats.… Read the rest

How To Upload Animated GIFs to Instagram

Instagram is the perfect way to share images and videos with your followers and the world. The focus is on the image, with the text being merely complimentary to the visuals. There are so many ways to draw attention to your pictures, with filters, editing, and Instagram stories allowing you to draw and write on images.

Yet, have you ever tried to upload an animated GIF to Instagram?

If you did, you have surely noticed that it will not be animated.… Read the rest

The Difference Between HD, HQ, SD And 4K


When it comes to creating videos – as well as when you convert them – there are a lot of different video formats to choose from. They range from 3GP with a smaller file size and lesser quality, to big, high-quality files like AVI or MP4.

However, even when watching videos, there are different “formats” to choose from. When watching a video on YouTube, you can choose different quality formats, depending on your viewing pleasure and speed and strength of your internet connection.… Read the rest

Save Photos & Videos From Instagram!

Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with your friends and other fans of your life, clothes, lifestyle or the great photos you take. And of course, others do that to! If you stumble across a great picture or video on your feed, you can admire it, like it, comment, or even send it forward to other Instagram users. But that’s about all you can do when it comes to sharing Instagram posts with other people.… Read the rest

Save Vines — Quick & Easy Tutorial


Vines: 6 seconds that can make you laugh, cray or go “awwwh”.

In this article, we do not want to tell you how to upload videos to Vine (anyhow, here’s a tutorial on how to make your video smaller). No, today, we want to tell you how you can save a video from Vine all quick and easy. You do not need to download anything and it works for smartphones just as well as for tablets, computers or laptops!… Read the rest

How to Make a Video File Smaller

Everyone has a cell phone or some sort of electronic gadget which allows them to record just about everything these days. Furthermore, most of these devices now let you record the videos in HD format which can make them extremely huge in size. It is because of this that the size of the videos makes it almost impossible to upload and/or share via social media sites or with your friends and family.… Read the rest

Open All Kinds Of Video Files With QuickTime

If you are using a Mac or any other Apple device like the iPhone or iPad, you surely have heard about the QuickTime media player or it’s corresponding app. Even when you are a Windows or Android user, it is possible for you to use QuickTime to watch videos or listen to music. It has been quite some time since QuickTime had been exclusively for Apple users.

However versatile and popular the media player may be though, there are still problems regarding certain file formats or codecs.… Read the rest