WhatsApp Images and Videos Not Downloading? Here’s How to Fix It

WhatsApp images and videos not downloading

Communicating and sharing media files is usually easy when using WhatsApp. This instant messaging service has its popular status for a reason. Occasionally, however, users could encounter a problem. If you have ‘WhatsApp images and videos not downloading’ issue, try these troubleshooting tips to restore WhatsApp’s downloading functionality!

So, what to do if you get ‘WhatsApp media not downloading’ messages? Here are a few easy fixes:

1 Restart the Mobile Phone

When experiencing an issue with an app or device, usually the first attempt to solve the problem is to restart it.… Read the rest

JPG Images With Transparency

Image by https://bit.ly/2U4VZwu

Many image file formats support transparency, also known as alpha channels. This includes GIF (animated or static), PNG and TIFF, as well as the vector graphic format SVG.

Especially in graphic design, PNG is very popular, while many websites use SVG for easily scalable logos with transparent background.

JPG files, on the other hand, are not known for supporting transparency. This might change in the near future though!… Read the rest

FUIF – The Responsive Image Format

The creator of the FLIF (Free Lossless Image Format) has gone and done it again. This time, he has come up with a new format called FUIF (Free Universal Image Format). The catchphrase for this new format is “responsive by design”. What does that mean?

FUIF? Why Do We Need Another Image Format?

Because there’s still room for improvement. Most people are comfortable with the many formats in existence today such as JPG, GIF, PNG, Webm, and many more.… Read the rest

SVG File and Its Danger

Among the trillions of images floating on the web, the amount of SVG images is quite rare. Most of the images you see everywhere are either in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or WebM formats. It’s a shame since SVG has so much potential.

What is SVG?

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. While many people think it’s an image format, it’s actually a document format. It’s an application of the eXtenstible Markup Language (XML).… Read the rest

PNG File Format Comparisons

PNG is short for Portable Network Graphic (PNG); a lossless image format uses a bitmap of indexed colors. Its birth was to replace the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). Since GIF used a Unisys-patented LZW compression algorithm, free software couldn’t create GIF files without paying a license.

Here, we are going to compare PNG with GIF, JPEG, and TIFF so you’ll know which format you should use on your next project.

PNG vs.

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How To Convert HEIC To JPG

Convert HEIC

Together with rolling out iOS 11, Apple introduced a new image file format: HEIC.

We have gathered all kinds of information about this new image file format back then. With HEIC now also coming to Android, it’s about time to show you how you can convert your HEIC photos to JPG, PNG or another, better-supported image file format.

How To Convert From HEIC To JPG

Turning your photos from HEIC to JPG, PNG, WebP, ICO or into any other image format is quite easy.… Read the rest

Why And How To Convert From PDF To JPEG [Tutorial]



While PDF is a very versatile file format, it might be helpful to have your PDF documents in another format. For example, it is a lot easier and more intuitive to view an image file on a mobile phone compared to a PDF.

So, what can you do? Convert your PDF to JPEG, PNG, WEBP or other image formats.


Why Convert From PDF To JPEG?

First of all, why would you want to convert your document into an image?… Read the rest

The Difference Between JPG & JPEG



If you had any contact with digital images before – may it be on a website or Facebook, or when dealing with photographies – you have surely heard of JPG files. If you have paid attention to the file extensions, however, you might have seen it written in different ways before. The usage of JPG or JPEG files may cause confusion. That’s what we are here for.

Today, we have a look at the question: what’s the difference when it comes to JPG vs JPEG?… Read the rest

How To Convert PDF To PNG [Tutorial]


Online-Convert.com makes sure that you get the best service possible when it comes to online file conversion. Simple problems you are facing every day might be easily solved by converting the file that gives you a headache. Documents, images, videos, music files, archives, e-books? There is a solution for all.

This article will address issues that can be instantly solved by a very simple conversion from PDF to PNG.… Read the rest

Crop Images For Your Instagram Profile

Instagram Photos


Instagram is an amazing way to get your images out there, give an insight into your life, and share beautiful pictures. Over 800 million users are already doing this, 500 million of them on a daily basis.

If you’re an avid Instagram user or just like browsing, you surely noticed something about these images: they are all square. When you take pictures on your phone, they usually come in a 16:9 (landscape) or 9:16 (portrait) ratio.… Read the rest