Get Your Own Personalized Windows Desktop Icons

Nowadays, operating systems allow you to configure and personalize almost anything. You can make your work space look exactly how you like it, efficient and beautiful, or in an ordered chaos. Next different browser applications and the desktop background, you can modify start screens, folder behavior and even the mouse cursor and desktop icons of your programs.

The latter is what we will talk about today. Get one step closer to your completely personalized Windows computer by using your own, personal desktop icons.… Read the rest

Get a Free Font Preview Without Installation

They are everywhere: Fonts!


You find them on posters, flyers, invitations and the web. They are crucial for web design, advertisement, book covers, …

Using the correct font can immediately leave the first impression you want: do you want it to look professional or fun, vintage or modern, futuristic or romantic? There is a font for that!


Especially designers have +1 Million fonts saved on their hard drive, usually.… Read the rest

FAQ – What You Need To Know About Online Image Conversion

There are so many different image file formats on the web. JPG, NEF, BMP, WEBP. Some are transparent, some are animated. Some can be scaled easily, others lose quality when scaling.

We at get many questions about image files and image file conversion from our users. To bring some light into the darkness, we present you with answers to the most frequently asked questions about image file conversion.


Image Converter FAQs


Why Do I Need An Image File Converter?

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Images For The Web — WEBP

In an earlier article, we have had a look at Google’s open standard files already. There, we have shortly talked about and given an overview of the file formats developed and distributed under an open standard license by Google.

However, we never touched the topic of why you may want to take, save, store or convert your pictures in Googles open format. Thus, we dedicate this article to one of these formats and give it a much closer look!… Read the rest

Image Settings Explained

If you are familiar with’s free image converter, you have also already noticed the optional settings provided when converting your image. Next to converting your picture or photo into another format, you can use these options for some basic image editing.

But what are these options good for?

This is the question we will answer for you today! There is a set of optional settings you can use when converting your image to JPG, TIFF, WEBP or even animated GIF.… Read the rest

How To Open Camera Raw Images

As a photographer, you are used to working with images in a so-called raw format. But even non-photographers may stumble upon Raw camera images—and have difficulties opening them. Most picture viewers are unable to open such camera raw images, making it impossible to view, print, or edit them.

But what are camera raw images even? Which cameras produce them? And what are they good for?

Online-Convert has the answers to these questions!… Read the rest

How To View All Kinds Of Files Without Installing Anything

Did you know that there are several options on how to view all kinds of Files without having to install the specific program needed? Yes, even programs that are capable of opening and displaying different kinds of files mostly require download and installation – if not even a purchase!

Thus, we have collected a view websites that allow you to view different kinds of audio, document, eBook, spreadsheet, image, or presentation files online.… Read the rest

Create animated Gifs from Movies

Animated GifEveryone loves animated GIFs!

They are smaller in size than movies and focus on the short sequences you want to re-watch or share. They are view-able without a problem in all browsers on almost every device. Reactions to forum posts, funny sequences from videos, pointing something out in a specific scene – those are just a few reasons for why you may want to create a moving and animated GIF.

Most people use Adobe Photoshop or another photo-editing software to create these small moving pictures, but not everyone knows how to utilize them – or can afford buying such a program.… Read the rest

Image File Extensions – What Are the Differences?

The use of images has become very common in the online world. People see them, send them and post them. Most of the time, this is an easy process, and people can open and view any image file that they want to. However, because of the many different kinds of image file extensions, occasionally you run into trouble.

In some cases, you may need to convert an image file to a different type to view it.… Read the rest

3 Reasons to Bookmark an Online File Converter

An online file converter spares you the need to install multiple programs to convert your documents, audio files, video clips, etc. It also doesn’t come with the risk of viruses and other threats to your devices. Besides, it is so convenient since you only need to type a URL and select a few options to get the format you need. These reasons and more make a web-based converter a valuable resource.… Read the rest