Post-Editing Of Recordings

It’s common practice for reporters, journalists and interviewers to not only take notes, but to record auditory reminders as well. Speeches, press conferences, interviews or even the perfect formulation or thought that has to be quickly saved for the writing process that follows later – they all are best and most easily preserved by making a recording of the audio in question.

In this article, we want to talk about the benefits of producing auditory notes on top of hand-written ones and how… Read the rest

Great File Naming System Tips


The majority of us have thousands upon thousands of different files stored on our computers or harddrives. But how you name your files and organize them can have a huge impact on the time you save when you look for those files later. Having a great file naming system in place is very important; especially if you work or earn your money from those files. There are programs and software out there which you can use, but most of them are very expensive.… Read the rest

Online E-Book Editing – Useful Resources

E-books are the (not too) new, convenient way to read. But did you know that there are many reasons to write an e-book yourself as well?


Writing the book itself is, of course, the major part of getting your e-book ready or publishing. Instead of having to install a plethora of programs, however, you can easily edit your e-book and get it ready for publishing with some very handy online services and pages.… Read the rest

How To Watch Videos On Your TV From Your Smartphone

Remember the days when Televisions ruled the world? Okay, well according to statistics, that’s still the case. The average American person watches over 35 hours of television per week. The same can be said for people using their smartphones. More people are using their cellphones these days to watch videos, chat, play games and more than ever before.

So what if you could combined both of the things you watch and use the most into one?Read the rest

Tips On Deleting Temporary Files On Windows XP or 7


We know. Windows XP and Windows 7 might be old, however, they are still the #1 and #2 most popular versions of Microsoft Windows used. The reason they continue to beat their replacement versions is largely due to them being more easier to manage and use by users. Still, there are certain problems when it comes to them storing a lot of space on your hard drives with temporary files you do not need.Read the rest

E-Book Customization & Conversion

In the past, we have provided quite some information about e-book files, e-book writing and the conversion of files like EPUB, MOBI and AZW.

An overview of the articles on the topic can be found here.


Today, we want to tell you about the special (and optional) options you have when converting from PDF to EPUB or from EPUB to AZW provided by .


Customization Of E-Book Files

What users have often times praised and picked out as a reason why they use the e-book converters of… Read the rest

Differences Between Data Archiving vs Backup



Computers, cellphones and other electronic gadgets are omnipresent and thus the growth of the amount of data which we accumulate each day increases. This is why it is very important to know the differences between data archiving vs backup. Which is better for you and which method should you choose are some of the questions answered in this guide.





What Is Data Archiving?


With the explosions of social media sites, streaming services and so many other things which we are able to do Online these days, it is very easy to fill up our devices with data very quickly.Read the rest

Get a Free Font Preview Without Installation

They are everywhere: Fonts!


You find them on posters, flyers, invitations and the web. They are crucial for web design, advertisement, book covers, …

Using the correct font can immediately leave the first impression you want: do you want it to look professional or fun, vintage or modern, futuristic or romantic? There is a font for that!


Especially designers have +1 Million fonts saved on their hard drive, usually.… Read the rest

Ten iPhone Apps You Should Have




Let’s face it, apps make our lives so much easier when it comes to using our cellular phones. That’s why we have put together a list of ten iPhone apps you should have on your iPhone. These apps are guaranteed to help you get the most our of your iPhone.






Here are some of the very best and most essentials apps you need to have installed on your iPhone for 2016. Read the rest

How To Save Different Document File Formats

There are many different document file types out there and not all of them work the same way. Opening a PAGES document on a Windows computer is bothersome and sending Microsoft Word documents is not advised because everyone can easily edit them.

In earlier articles, we have talked a lot about the how and why you may need to convert or save your documents into or as a different file format.… Read the rest