The conversion services of online-convert.com are free to use for everyone with a reliable internet connection. You don’t even need to sign up to convert your files into more common or compatible file types.
For those that want to do a little more with their files or have to convert files bigger than 100 MB, online-convert.com provides sixteen plans that hold something for everyone.
Today, we want to look at them in some more detail. Of course, you can have a look at the quick overview here as well.
Edit: As of July 2019, there have been many changes with regards to prices, plans, and designs. Of course, this article was updated accordingly.
All You Need To Know About The Online-Convert.com Premium Plans
The available premium plans can be split into four different categories:
- Free Plan
- 24 Hour Passes
- Monthly Subscriptions
- Yearly Subscriptions
The Free Plan
The free plan is, as the name suggests, cost-free for the user. It allows you to convert files with a size up to 100 MB. Of course, registering for the free plan provides you with more features than using our service without being logged in.
These features include:
- E-mail notification when a conversion is finished
- Sending the download link to a converted file via e-mail
- Send the converted file as an attachment via e-mail
- A user dashboard with conversion overviews and links to all conversions of the past 24 hours
- 4 concurrent conversions in separate tabs
The 24 Hour Passes
As the name already suggests, the 24-hour passes are valid for 24 hours after purchase. This means that in these 24 hours you can use our service to the full extent of the plan, no matter how many files you are converting.
Of course, the 24-hour passes have the same features as the free plan. Of course, they have additional features as well:
- A two-week money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our service
- No advertisement on the pages
- Up to 200 files for a single conversion
- High priority conversion speed
The features above apply to the basic 24-hour pass that allows converting files up to 1GB file size. Of course, you can add packages to your 24h pass to match the file size you need. The possibilities are listed below:
File Size | 1 GB | 2 GB | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Costs – $ Costs – € | $ 7.99 7 € | $ 12 11 € | $18 16 € | $ 30 27 € |
The Monthly Subscriptions
Another kind of premium plan is the monthly subscription. This means that they are valid for one month from the purchase on (e.g. from June 26, 2016, to July 26, 2016). These subscriptions are renewed automatically. This means the amount of money is deducted automatically from your account once the plan runs out, extending it for another month. Of course, this subscription can be canceled any time!
The subscriptions provide the same features as the 24h passes.
While the features above apply to the basic subscription that allows converting files with a size up to 200 MB, they can be adjusted as well:
File Size | 200 MB | 400 MB | 1 GB | 2 GB | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Costs – $ Costs – € | $ 7 6 € | $ 10 9 € | $ 15 14 € | $25 23 € | $ 40 36 € | $ 70 63 € |
The Yearly Subscriptions
The last kind of premium plan we offer is the yearly subscription. These are valid for a whole year, starting at the date of the purchase (e.g. from June 26, 2016, to June 26, 2017). Like the monthly subscription, this one is also renewed automatically. Of course, you can be canceled it any time as well!
The features also apply to the basic annual subscription, allowing conversions of files up to 200 MB. The following additions are available for the annual subscription:
File Size | 200 MB | 400 MB | 1 GB | 2 GB | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Costs – $ Costs – € | $ 67 57 € | $ 96 86 € | $ 144 134 € | $240 220 € | $ 384 345 € | $ 672 595 € |
When Should I Use Which Plan?
Now, knowing about all the features of the premium plans, comes the choice. Which plan is the best for my purpose? We help you to decide on the right one.
Free Plan – This plan is for all that want to convert smaller files ( <100 MB ) on a regular basis. Or for those that want to give our service a test run before purchasing one of the paid premium plans.
24 Hour Passes – These plans are for everyone who wants to convert a larger file or a few larger files. It’s perfect for one-time-users and casual users alike. These plans are a nice, occasional upgrade when your file is too big for the free plan.
Monthly Subscriptions – The automatically renewed subscriptions are perfect for regular users that have larger files they need to convert. Instead of buying a new 24h pass every other day, you don’t have to worry about renewal.
Yearly Subscriptions – These automatically renewed subscriptions are perfect for very frequent users that have larger files they need to convert. Compared to the monthly subscription, you can save 20% by opting for an annual plan.
Sign up here!