Ebook Online Converter For Free

Now that is is quite clear that ebooks are here to stay, people are buying them in record numbers. But because there are so many different kind of formats that ebooks come in, they often present a problem for people. Being able to use them in a particular gadget or device, can prove difficult (and costly) for some. The reason for this is because the many different types of formats ebooks are available in.… Read the rest

7 Tips For Gaining Space On Your Android Phone


Most of us use our smartphones for just about everything these days. Between taking photos, recording videos and using all kinds of apps, cellular phones offer many important tools for users. However, using all of these tools will quickly cause you to run out of space on your phone. Here are 7 very useful tips for gaining space on your Android phone.

Smart phones are one of the greatest things to happen to us this decade.Read the rest

Free Video Compressor Online For WhatsApp


Are you looking for a free video compressor online for Whatsapp? Perhaps you are trying to send a video on the app and it is not letting you due to the video or file format. Whatever, the case, Online Convert is the place where you can do so easily. It also doesn’t matter whether or not you are looking to do it for your iPhone or for Android phone. You can change not only the video’s size, but also the format as well.… Read the rest

11 Tips On Identifying Spam, Spoofing And Phishing Emails


Emails are one of the greatest inventions to come into our lives. They allow us to communicate with people from all over the world instantly. We are also able to send files of all kinds to strangers, friends, colleagues and family. That is one of the many reasons emails have almost replaced snail mail. However, for every good thing, there are always some drawbacks.

Hackers, internet marketers and scammers use emails to cheat, hack and scam millions of users everyday.Read the rest

Why You Should Always Backup Your Computer Files


There are countless reasons why you should always backup your computer files and none, of why you should not. Too many people make the mistake of waiting for something bad to happen before they fix it. Backing up computer files is often one of those mistakes made. However, in this day and age of so many options available, there is no excuse to not backup your system.

Retroactive Approach


Murphy’s law clearly states that anything that could go wrong, can go wrong and usually goes wrong.Read the rest

8 Tips That Will Speed Up Your Mac


One of the advantages of having an Apple Mac computer is the speed which you get from it. However, just like Windows PC’s, Mac computers can lag and run really slow too. It could be from your MacBook getting older, or you simply downloading too many programs or apps. Worse yet, you may have some virus or malware. These 8 tips that will speed up your Mac, will show some quick and easy ways to reverse that.… Read the rest

8 Ways To Reset Or Recover Your Lost Windows Password

We all forget or lose things once in awhile. Whether it’s a set of keys, money or phone, misplacing, losing or forgetting something important can drive one crazy. Even worse than losing or forgetting those things, is when you lose or forget your Windows password. After all, most of us work or use our computers all day for just about everything. That makes our Windows logon password extremely important. But before you panic or get worried, relax and read on.Read the rest

The Differences Between Lossless And Lossy Compression


The amount of files and data a person can accumulate over a period of time, can quickly fill out their hard drives or cloud storage space. Because of that, many people have to look for ways to reduce the amount of space those files are taking up. Since deleting those files, is often not an option, resorting to file compression is another alternative. However, before you begin to convert your files, or compress them, you need to know about the methods available.Read the rest

11 Tips To Extend Your Cell Phone’s Battery Life



There’s nothing worse than having your cellphone’s battery die out on you. This is even more frustrating when you have no immediate means to recharge your phone. Since most of us use our smartphones to communicate, or as a backup to our computer or laptop, having access to it at all times is essential. The following 11 tips to extend your cell phone’s battery life will come in handy when you need extra minutes of battery power.Read the rest

Easy Ways To Change File Associations In Windows


It happens to all of us. We have all opened up a file while using Windows and it ends up opening up with the wrong program, or one that you do not really want to use. Just in case that has happened to you, here are several easy ways to change file associations in Windows. This tutorial covers Windows XP, Vista, 8, 7, and even Windows 10.




Too Many File Types


When it comes to documents, videos and audio files, there are simply way too many different types of formats available.Read the rest