High-Res Audio: What You Need to Know

What is High-Res Audio? A young woman with headphones on yellow background.

If you have mostly listened to music from CDs or DVDs, or if you typically use MP3 files, you might not have experienced the best sound quality available. What you are missing out on is called “High-Res Audio” or “High-Resolution Sound.” This format delivers a much higher quality of sound compared to the standard audio formats we are used to. In this guide, let’s dive into what high-res audio is and how you can enjoy it!… Read the rest

The Best Audio Formats For Podcasts

In the studio: Audio Formats for Podcasts

Navigating podcasting involves a multitude of decisions, from content creation to audience engagement. But let’s face it—file formats probably aren’t high on your list of priorities. I mean, if you’re losing sleep over bit rates and codecs, maybe it’s time for a vacation! However, as much as you’d love to ignore the techy stuff, file formats do play a crucial role in shaping the listening experience for your audience.

So, who claims the crown as the best audio format for podcasts?… Read the rest

Why & How To Convert M4A To MP3 [Tutorial]

M4A To MP3


In your car, at work, during the commute, at home – where do you like to listen to music? Ever since the first Walkman was released in 1979, we could take our music with us everywhere we go. Over time, this became easier and nowadays, we don’t have to bring cassette tapes and CDs with us. Some audio files on your phone are well enough.

But which files are you carrying around with you?… Read the rest

Organize Your Music Library


Vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, … All those were (and still are) used to store music. However, in modern times, more and more people maintain their music library digitally.

Audio files take up way less physical space than shelves and boxes full of CDs. Furthermore, you don’t need to keep a whole album if you only prefer one or two songs from it. Many artists stopped producing costly records even, sharing their music online via Spotify, iTunes or other vendors.… Read the rest

NEW Feature: Change Audio Codec

Change Audio Codec

There is more to audio files than just an icon to click on and an audio stream to listen to. When going a bit more in depth when it comes to audio files and audio file conversion, you have surely heard about different audio codecs. It is, among other things, responsible for the compression of audio data and determines which players and other hardware devices can play the file. For example, many media players have a huge list of supported codecs, but offer additional codec patches to be installed if one of your files does not play.… Read the rest

Post-Editing Of Recordings

It’s common practice for reporters, journalists and interviewers to not only take notes, but to record auditory reminders as well. Speeches, press conferences, interviews or even the perfect formulation or thought that has to be quickly saved for the writing process that follows later – they all are best and most easily preserved by making a recording of the audio in question.

In this article, we want to talk about the benefits of producing auditory notes on top of hand-written ones and how Online-Convert.com… Read the rest

Tips For Recording An Audition Audio File

In order to ensure that you make it big as a recording artist you will have to ensure that you get the audition audio file spot on. You may sound great but if you are looking to record an audition audio file, there are certain things that you can do in order to ensure that the audio quality doesn’t fall apart. Therefore, we have decided to provide you with some of the best tips for recording an audition audio file.… Read the rest

Tips On Recording Narration On Your Own

In current day and age, you really do not have to be an engineer to be able to record anything. However, if you do plan on DIY a recording project for a narration, make sure that you stick to some of these handy tips to record high quality audios.

Place Your Microphone at the Right Distance from Yourself

People who place the mic to close to their mouths are only making things worse; the resulting audio recording is a clipping sound with distortions.… Read the rest