How To Use Your Cellular Phone As A Wi-Fi Hotspot

Being connected to the world wide web or being able to go Online is almost something which is a must for most of us these days. That’s why you need to know how to use your cellular phone as a wi-fi hotspot for those days or places you have no internet wi-fi access. Luckily though, most smartphones allow you to easily turn them into a portable wi-fi hotspot to connect your computer, tablet or laptop to the internet.Read the rest

Save Vines — Quick & Easy Tutorial


Vines: 6 seconds that can make you laugh, cray or go “awwwh”.

In this article, we do not want to tell you how to upload videos to Vine (anyhow, here’s a tutorial on how to make your video smaller). No, today, we want to tell you how you can save a video from Vine all quick and easy. You do not need to download anything and it works for smartphones just as well as for tablets, computers or laptops!… Read the rest

Best Free Online Image Editing Websites


Have you ever had a photo you wanted to fix and asked yourself how can I edit a photo for free online? The truth is you’re not alone. This is why at Online Convert, we are reviewing the best free Online image editing websites available. There are many people on the Internet who are constantly looking for free photo editing websites to use. Devices which allow people to access the web and take photos, have made the need for editing websites even greater.Read the rest

Microsoft Edge – What Can This New Browser Do?

At we make sure that our service is compatible with many different browsers and browser versions. This means that we constantly test our service on old and new browsers. With the release of Windows 10, a new browser was added to our list of compatible browsers: Microsoft Edge.

Since we thoroughly tested Edge with our service, it seemed only natural to gather some more information about the newest Microsoft internet browser and share our findings with you.… Read the rest

Image Conversion Software For Free

Are you looking to convert an image file of some kind and want or need an image conversion software for free to use? If so, then chances are you are not alone. Everyday, millions of people go Online looking for image conversion software for free or at least for one at an affordable price. This is because there are so many different image formats from which to convert to. While the most known or used format for images are JPG, there are numerous other formats as well.Read the rest

Prepare For Your Presentations On The Go!

Some loathed practices from school span over your whole life. No matter if you are in college or go through an apprenticeship, even in your future job you will most probably not get rid of it:



Giving a talk or lecture is required by students throughout their educational career. Many jobs require you to present your findings or show your designs to potential buyers and clients. Even in you every day life you may have to prepare a presentation and hold it in front of people – either because you agreed to be an orator at a wedding or need funds from your bank.… Read the rest

Guide On How To Easily Email a PowerPoint Presentation

One of the most used ways for curriculum delivery by teachers of e-learning courses to students and other colleagues is via PowerPoint presentations. This step by step useful guide on how to easily email a PowerPoint presentation or an e-learning course can come in handy. Most e-learning courses and PowerPoint presentations usually contain numerous hyperlinks and loads of files. They are also very large  in size which makes it almost impossible to share because of size limit restrictions.Read the rest

FAQ – What You Need To Know About Online Image Conversion

There are so many different image file formats on the web. JPG, NEF, BMP, WEBP. Some are transparent, some are animated. Some can be scaled easily, others lose quality when scaling.

We at get many questions about image files and image file conversion from our users. To bring some light into the darkness, we present you with answers to the most frequently asked questions about image file conversion.


Image Converter FAQs


Why Do I Need An Image File Converter?

Read the rest

Why People Will Always Need Files & Conversion



Recently, there have been some well known businessmen in the digital & Internet industry who have said files are dead. However, we, and many others believe that is not the case. For this reason, we have put together this article showing why people will always need files & conversion in their digital and Internet world.








Don’t Believe The Dead Files Hype


For many years now, numerous technologists, commentators and websites have been predicting the death of the file hierarchy as we know it.Read the rest

How To Convert Video To MP3

Do you know this feeling? You heard a great piece of music in a video and you are dying to put it onto your phone, MP3-Player or into iTunes.

Good thing that ripping the audio data from a video can be done within minutes!


In this tutorial, we tell you how to get music or other audio tracks from a video with ease and in no time!


Video To MP3

For our tutorial, we decided to take a video from… Read the rest