Get Your Videos Ready For Twitter

Sometimes, 140 characters are all you need to say something. Granted, nowadays, you get a total of 280 characters to express yourself. Of course, we are talking about Twitter!

Next to sharing concise thoughts and opinions, you can upload GIFs and other images to go along with your tweet. Or you can upload videos. To make sure that your video is ready to be uploaded to Twitter, we developed a practical Twitter Video Converter. … Read the rest

Upload Videos To Twitch

Twitch Video

When it comes to streaming video gameplay or other activities like illustrating and drawing, Twitch has risen to the top since it was launched in 2011. It’s a great alternative to live streams on Facebook or YouTube and especially popular y video gamers.

Next to streaming, however, you can also upload videos to Twitch. The feature is still in Beta, but it’s a great way to make sure your audience has something to watch even when you are not live streaming.… Read the rest

Upload Your Video To Vimeo

Vimeo Video

Vimeo is a video platform alternative to YouTube. What Vimeo is often used for is publishing content that is only accessible after paying a little fee. Instead of producing and shipping DVDs, especially sports promotions use Vimeo to broadcast and share shows or matches. Of course, you can upload videos to be freely accessible as well.

For many, Vimeo is a way to escape many of YouTube’s flaws. You can do so too, especially now that we can help you to optimize your videos perfectly for Vimeo!… Read the rest

Optimize Videos For Instagram

As of 2017, Instagram announced it’s user amount to be as high as 800 million users with an average of 500 million users per day (Source). Since its release in 2010, the image sharing platform has become one of the most used social media apps worldwide.

Next to images, users can create stories, broadcast live or upload short video clips to share with friends, family or the whole Instagram community.… Read the rest

Optimize Your Videos For YouTube

Videos for YouTube

YouTube is, without a doubt, the most popular video sharing platform in the world. On an average, the website has about 30 million visitors who watch about 5 billion videos each day. That’s quite a number. No wonder that many people take to YouTube for generating income. Even people working in the more traditional media TV are shifting part of their attention to the platform, especially due to its appeal to younger people.… Read the rest

Optimize Your Videos For WhatsApp


When you text your friends and family, chances are that you are using WhatsApp for that. According to various sources, the app has over 1.3 billion users every month. Together, they create over 100 million voice calls, over 55 million video calls and 55 billion WhatsApp messages a day.

Next to calls and simple text messages, you can send images and various other files using the app. As of July 2017, the app has been updated to support almost any file format to share with friends and family.… Read the rest

Optimize Your Videos For Facebook


Facebook is the most popular social networking platform as well as the most used social media app in 2017. This claim can both be backed up by data collected by social media researcher Vincenzo Cosenza in January 2017 as well as Business Insider in July of the same year.

People post about their daily lives in text updates, using photos, and by posting and sharing videos. This is where we want to help you!… Read the rest

Crop Videos Online – Website Tutorial


In an earlier article, we have provided you with a tutorial on how to use the API to crop videos online. Did you know that you can also crop videos using the website though? No programming knowledge needed. All you need is your video and the video converter of your choice!

It really is that easy and in this article, we will prove that to you.… Read the rest

Apple’s New Video Format HEVC

When Apple updated its mobile operating system from iOS 10 to iOS 11, they introduced two new media formats – among other major changes and improvements.

We at watched this update very closely and of course, we are especially interested in these new file formats. Last week, we already had a closer look at the new image format HEIC. This article will sum up all you need to know about the new video format HEVC.… Read the rest

Summary Of Video Editing Options

These past weeks, we have provided you with many different tutorials about how you can edit video files using the RESTful API of This article will wrap up all you can do and list the tutorials for easier access.

There are a few preliminaries before you can start video editing though:


How To Edit Videos Using Our API… Read the rest