5 Reasons Why Your SmartPhone Slows Down Over Time

5 Reasons Why Your SmartPhone Slows Down Over TimeWe all love our smartphones since they allow us to do so much more than just call people. With applications available for anything you can think of, our mobile devices are capable of practically doing it all. But unfortunately, over time, your phone will slow down. That is unless you are one of those individuals who changes his or her mobile device every 6 months.

The truth is that all of us who have smartphones experience the drop in performance as we use our devices.Read the rest

How To Make Sure APK Files Are Safe

How to scan APK files for malware and virusFor Android users, one of the best things about the OS is the amount of control Android gives them. Unlike Apple, Android lets you do much more to your phone when it comes to installing apps. For iPhone, the only way to install apps is via the App Store or by Jailbreaking your iPhone. But Android lets users either install apps from the Google Play store or by using an APK file to side load them.Read the rest

Avoid The Super Mario Run Android Scam

There is a new game in the world of apps called Super Mario Run. It is taking the app world by storm and causing many to download it. However, Super Mario Run is only available for iOS and Android users are being lured by imitation versions. Android mobile owners should avoid the Super Mario Run Android scam going on with impersonating versions now available on Google Play.

Just like Pokemon Go became an instant app hit, so has Super Mario Run.Read the rest

Ten Must Have Android Apps For 2016

Without a doubt, apps have made our lives so much easier that we often wonder how we ever lived without them. Here are ten must have Android apps for 2016 that everyone should have on their Android phones. Smartphones offer us the ability to download applications for just about every need we have. From games to paying via our phones, there is just so much to do with an app that each day our lives become more simplified in a way.… Read the rest

Windows Phone And Android – What’s The Difference?

If you own a smartphone – and even if not – you know the endless discussions about the pros and cons of owning an iPhone or other iOS device compared to any device that runs with Android. However, those are not the only options you have! Next to Blackberry, Windows Phone is an operating system available for a number of mobile phones.

Whether it’s an option for you or not is your very own decision, however we want to point out the differences between Windows Phone and the Android OS, and hopefully this will not only get you some more knowledge, but also helps you in your decision process.… Read the rest

Files supported by Android

There are a few ongoing battles in the world of (digital) media.

In the gaming world, there had been Sega vs. Nintendo, and now it’s PlayStation vs XBox. Which is better? Which features the better games, the better graphics? Which is more user friendly? Which has the better price? And so on, and so on… Both sides always come up with striking arguments why to buy the PlayStation 4 or the XBox One, and at the same time, both sides provide even better arguments why to NOT by the opposition’s product.… Read the rest