3GP vs. MP4 – How do They Differ?

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If you’re part of the not-so-young generation, you should be well acquainted with the 3GP format.  What is this file format anyway? How does it differ to MP4? And which one’s better? Find out all the answers below.

What is 3GP?

3GP is a container format much like MP4 with more focus on low storage and bandwidth requirements. Just like MP4, 3GP also supports variable bit rate and frame rate.… Read the rest

What’s The Difference Between RTF And DOC?

Both RTF (Rich Text Format) and DOC format were developed by Microsoft. Unlike its sibling, however, RTF rarely becomes the subject of discussion when it comes to document format. Why is that?

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The History of RTF

Microsoft developed RTF for cross-platform document interchange among Microsoft-owned applications. RTF version 1.0 made its debut in Microsoft Word 3 back in 1987. Initially, Microsoft kept the RTF specification hidden from the public so its own applications would always have a competitive edge against the competitors.… Read the rest

Why is PDF So Popular?

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt

The Portable Document Format or PDF is an incredibly popular format  for a good number of reasons. Let’s take a closer look and the five reasons why so many people use this format for office and personal use.

#1. Easy sharing between programs and platforms

Before the introduction of PDF in the late 80s, sharing documents among different programs and platforms was a real pain. Adobe change that in a revolutionary way by introducing an app that handle differences between software and machines smoothly.… Read the rest

TGA File Format Mini FAQ

The TGA file format is not something that pops on your mind whenever someone talks about image formats. What is this format anyway? What does it do? How do you open it? Find out the answers to these questions and more below.

What is a TGA file?

TGA is a raster image file format from Truevision Inc. (a part of Avid Technology) created in the ‘80s. Truevision TGA format is sometimes shortened as TARGA.… Read the rest

ICO File Format

ICO file format is for Windows Icons

So you’re trying to make an icon file for that new game you’re working on, huh? Might as well get familiar with the ICO file format first. It might be useful for you down the line.

An ICO file is an image format Microsoft developed to store Windows programs icons. An ICO file is flexible. It can contain multiple images at various sizes and color-depth. The standard sizes are 16×16, 32×32, 48×48, and 256×256.… Read the rest

AAC Music File Format

Is AAC superior to MP3?

Unless you’re some kind of audiophile, you probably never heard of the AAC music file format. It’s understandable, though. After all, the majority of music listeners only care about MP3 these days. Still, you ought to learn a thing or two about the AAC format. It’s way better than MP3 in more ways than one.

AAC Music File Format

AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding. It’s a lossy digital audio coding just like MP3.… Read the rest

EPS File Format – Your Questions Answered

Questions and answers about EPS file format

EPS is not a new file format. It’s been around for quite a while and has been used in both Macs and Windows environment by graphic designers all over the world. Still, if you’re new in the graphic design landscape, you may have some questions about this format.

Worry not. We will address some of the most common questions about EPS format and more in this article.

What is an EPS image?

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How To Create A Document Management System

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@iammrcup

There are several good reasons to store your business data electronically instead of using traditional paper files and folders. It’s more efficient, accessible, secure, and scalable. That’s why many businesses are relying so much on DMS or Document Management System. It’s just good for business.

How To Create A Simple Document Management System

If you own a small business, spending thousands to purchase or build a new DMS may not be feasible.… Read the rest

Document Management System Best Practices

To get the best out of your document management, pay attention to these best practices
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Having a Document Management System (DMS) is crucial for any modern business to be able to thrive in a digital world. A DMS has many benefits including easy archiving and reporting. It can also save your company money in the long run as your employees no longer need to waste their precious time to find the documents they need.

Document Management Best Practices

If you’re thinking about getting a DMS for your organization, pay attention to the following best practices to ensure you can get the best out of it.… Read the rest

The Benefits of Document Management Systems

5 advantages of a document management system (DMS)
Image By: https://unsplash.com/@studiorepublic

A document management system (DMS) is a software designed to maintain and organize business documents. It’s a must-have for any company wishing to relieve itself from the hassle of managing hundreds of file cabinets and boxes with tons of documents in them.

If you’re still reluctant about switching your paper-based document management to a digital one, perhaps the following list of benefits will get rid of your hesitation.… Read the rest