10 Easy LibreOffice Writer Tips To Speed Your Work

Woman writing on her laptop; LibreOffice tips to Speed your work

LibreOffice is free, open-source office software that can easily compete with Microsoft Word. It is a great alternative to other office packages and is becoming increasingly popular among Linux users. If you have just switched from Word to LibreOffice, in this article, you will find the essential tips on using LibreOffice Writer. Make the writing process easier and save some valuable time. Here are our 10 easy LibreOffice Writer tips and tricks.Read the rest

Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs

Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs Image

For many, the use of Microsoft Office represents the basis of their work on the computer. Therefore, it is not surprising that most users prefer to stick with MS Word. Our focus today is to compare the more popular word-processing program with a free online alternative. So, let’s begin: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs.

Things Have Changed

Microsoft once dominated the market of word-processing programs, as well as programs for creating spreadsheets and presentations.… Read the rest

Online Document Converter FAQs

Almost everyone has been frustrated at some point because they tried to open a document file on their computer, but instead of seeing the contents of the file, you saw a message that said the file couldn’t be opened. Some people know how to handle an online document converter FAQserror message of this type, but others get confused and frustrated, and they just quit without ever seeing what was in the file. Hopefully, with these online document FAQs, you won’t have to be frustrated any longer.… Read the rest