Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs

Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs Image

For many, the use of Microsoft Office represents the basis of their work on the computer. Therefore, it is not surprising that most users prefer to stick with MS Word. Our focus today is to compare the more popular word-processing program with a free online alternative. So, let’s begin: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs.

Things Have Changed

Microsoft once dominated the market of word-processing programs, as well as programs for creating spreadsheets and presentations.… Read the rest

ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

A woman on laptop creating an ODT – an OpenDocument Text Document file

If you frequently work with document files, you may have already encountered an ODT document. Someone may have shared one instead of the more represented Microsoft Word DOCX file. Want to know more about this type of file format? Keep on reading. Find out how to open, edit, and convert ODT files to more common document formats.

What is an ODT file?

An ODT file is an OpenDocument Text Document file.… Read the rest