All You Need To Know About Hashing

All you need to know about Hashing. A young man on his laptop.

So, you have heard of hashing—a fundamental concept in cybersecurity and data management—but want to understand more? This article will cover why hashing is crucial, its core principles, types of hash functions, important guidelines for algorithm selection, and techniques to enhance hash security.
So, let’s get started!

What is Hashing?

Hashing is the process of scrambling a piece of information or data beyond recognition. Hash functions perform mathematical operations on plain text to produce a fixed-size string of characters, known as the hash value or digest.… Read the rest

Why You Need to Use a Password Manager

Among the numerous problems that come with the internet, choosing a password is high up there on the list. Most people resort to easy-to-guess passwords like password123, secret, or even 12345678. Hackers just love such a show of ignorance.

One good advice for people who are too lazy to think of a unique password is to use a password manager. But should you really use one? Is it true that everyone needs to use password managers?… Read the rest

How to Prevent Identity Theft Online

Identity theft is no joke. Globally, the financial loss from such practice goes north of $50 billion a year. Such massive loss is because people are still gullible to various tricks hackers use online. So, what can you do to protect yourself from identity theft? Here’s a short list of some things you can do to do just that.

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How to Reduce the Risk of Identity Theft

Update your security software

Computers, smartphones, and tablets require some form of protection from viruses and malware.… Read the rest

Why Free Online Conversion Is So Important

Free Online File Conversion Made EasyBillions upon billions of files are shared throughout the world via the web everyday. Not too long ago though, many of the files shared with others were problematic. They were either troublesome for the recipient or the sender. In most cases, for both. The reason for some of these problems were due to the types of files that were being sent or shared. Some files were either too big, or in the wrong format.Read the rest

FAQ – About Online Hash & Checksum Creation is a free online conversion tool. You can convert many different files to more common formats, including audio, video, e-book, document, images and more. You can even convert across categories like text to speech or presentation to video.

However, that is not all you can do on! As an additional feature you can create checksums and hashes using different algorithms.

Since we get quite some questions about our hash creation, we decided to create this frequently asked questions (FAQ) entry for you.… Read the rest

Easy To Use Hash Generator Online

For those looking for an easy to use hash generator Online, then Online Convert offers you one with many different formats to convert to. Hash encryption used to be something that most of us heard on TV or movies involving high-tech plots. However, with the recent upsurge in Internet and electronic device usage these days, that is no longer the case. Hash encryption is everywhere and if you are not using it to protect your sensitive data, you could be in danger of hackers or scams.Read the rest

Hashing and Encrypting – What’s the Difference?

Many people often get confused when it comes to knowing the differences between hashing and encrypting. has put together this article to help better explain about hashing and encrypting and what’s the difference between both of these important security tools.


What is Encryption?

With so many hackers on the Internet today, without encryption, the web would be like finding a bank vault full of cash wide open with no police around.Read the rest

Different Hash Functions and their Advantages

In former blog entries we have talked about what encryption, encoding, and hashing are and what you possibly might need checksums and hashes for. The names of several algorithms and ciphers that can be used for creating hashes or processing encryption have been mentioned as well, yet, which system should be used for which purpose?

This is the purpose of this article. Let’s have a look at different kinds of hashing and encryption ciphers you can use to produce checksums.… Read the rest

Checksum & Hash – What are they and what do I need them for?

In an earlier article, we have talked about the difference between encoding, encryption and hashing already. Today, we want to have a closer look at the latter of the three, the hashing function and the resulting hash or checksum.

For this purpose, we will have a brief look at what a checksum is before we concentrate on what checksums are used for.

What’s Hashing?

Using a hashing function creates a hash or checksum which are basically a seemingly random string of numbers, letters, and special characters – depending on the algorithm used for the hashing.… Read the rest

Encoding, Encryption, and Hashing

Encoding, encryption, hashing…

Those three can easily be confused since they serve roughly the same purpose. Yet, there are drastic differences between them. This article will serve the purpose of telling you, which method to use for which purpose, and what distinguishes them from one another.

Yet, all differences aside, encoding, encryption, and hashing do share some similarities:

  • All three methods transform data into another format
  • Encoding and encryption are reversible, while hashing is not

Now, let’s have a look at the three methods of data transformation one by one before you will presented a short summary of the differences and when to use which method.… Read the rest