Whether it’s on your computer, tablet or mobile device, all of us have files on them which are important and therefore need to be backed up, protected and secured. The problem is that many people wait until it is too late to actually begin to take steps to back them up or properly copy and secure the data. Here are some great tips on protecting important files you may have and how to make sure you never lose them or that they get hacked or stolen.
Step One – Backup Your Files
One huge mistake most people make is thinking that their gadgets will never ever break, get lost or stolen so they do not bother to backup their files. However, we all know that is not the case. Whether you have a laptop, PC or another sort of device, your first order of business should be to backup all of your files and data right away. You can buy an external hard drive which can store up a tremendous amount of data depending on the size you purchase. Best of all, you can take these external hard drives with you wherever you go. However, because of that option, you should also make sure you secure your external HD with a password or encryption in case it is ever lost or stolen.
Most devices these days also come with Cloud services which allow you to upload your files to their private servers via the Internet. This is awesome since most of the time the backup is performed automatically and continuously as you add more files each day. Nevertheless, be sure the Cloud services you are using is secure since some have been hacked as of late.
Read more here if you need help on how to Store Your Files On A Cloud
Lastly, there are many Websites which offer free online file storage that are quick, fast and easy. You can get about 10GB for free on most of them. However, if you have large files which take up more space such as movies or videos, you may need to purchase a plan that offers you more space.
Before you download any programs, be sure to read on the Dangers Of Downloading Free Files From The Internet
Step Two – Secure Your Files
The vast majority of us have files on our computer and devices which may be sensitive or for our eyes only. Maybe you could be working on an awesome idea for a new invention. Perhaps you have a business start-up plan which you do not want your boss or other co-workers to see. There could also be photos or videos that you may not want your little nephew, niece, your kids or spouse to find and look at as well. Lastly, you also have to think about securing your personal information against hackers too since the threats grow each day. In any event, whatever the files are, your second step is to secure them. Luckily there are numerous apps and programs available which allow you to encrypt and secure your private data easily. Having the option to lock the data via a password, swipe pattern or a number digit password is essential, smart and prudent. If you haven’t done so already you should begin to do so immediately. Using your devices without any kind of encryption or security of your personal and financial information is a huge mistake. It is similar to leaving your brand new car outside with the keys inside while it is unlocked which none of us would ever do.
In this world where everything is now technology driven, it is important to be one step ahead of the game. Using these useful tips on protecting important files is just one of the many ways you can help to protect yourself and your data.