There’s a saying which goes “The Best things in life are free”. However, when it comes to downloading free files from the internet, that is not always the case. We have put together a list of tips to follow whenever you are downloading anything from sites on the web. These tips will help to make sure you avoid infecting your computer, laptop, mobile device or tablet with a virus as well as assist you in protecting your personal data from hackers.
The internet is one of the greatest tools available to the us in the past few decades. It helps to connect Billions of people from all over the world via social media, websites, chats and other platforms.
Virus Affecting Dangers
Still, behind every good thing, there are also countless of bad alternatives which can pop up. There are millions of great sites out there on the web dedicated to helping people and making their lives easier. Sites such as Google for searching, Facebook for connecting with people you know and Online-Convert to help you convert any files you may have. However, there are also countless of people and sites whose whole purpose is to steal and rob users of their personal information. Some hackers simply enjoy being able to destroy your computer via a virus or trojan. These hackers attack people looking for FREE programs, files, movies, music and anything else you do not want or cannot afford to pay for. This means that if you are looking for a free music file, torrent, movie or program you need to be aware of the dangers.
Be Careful When Downloading Free Files!
First of all, never ever download any free files to your computer, mobile phone or tablet if you do not have an antivirus, firewall or web protection tool installed on them. Most internet security programs can detect dangerous sites before you even begin to download a file which is pretty awesome since they stop it before it even begins. In the event that you do download a file from the internet, be sure to scan it first before opening it using antivirus programs. If you cannot afford an internet security program, there are several out there which offer free trials and even limited free versions of their great internet security tools.
E.g. Avast Internet Security For Free
When installing a file you downloaded for free from the internet, always be sure to look out for added toolbars and other PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programs) which may be part of the reason the file is free in the first place. Many of these bundled free toolbars end up infecting your device, hijacking it and even installing other software you do not need or want. Be sure to press advanced options before installation and uncheck any unwanted add ons you do not want or need. Most of these PUP are nearly impossible to remove once you install them so be very careful.
If you are suspicious about downloading different programs from the web, you can also search further for online solutions for your needs. This will prevent you from downloading and installing a possibly infected program.
Take Online-Convert.com for example: Instead of downloading a program that could potentially harm your computer, all you will save on your computer in the end is the securely converted file.
Lastly, check the ratings of the sites you are downloading from. There are various websites dedicated to showcasing troubled and dangerous P2P sites.
If you follow these tips on the dangers of downloading free files from the internet, you should be on the safe side and your surfing experience can be a great one. Unfortunately, 100% security can never be fully guaranteed, but you can still avoid the most common and dangerous mistakes.
See also Dangers of Free Downloads from Norton
You can also check out these 5 antivirus suites that keep potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from biting.
Guest blog entry by Hector