All About Mac Image File Formats

Woman on Mac, using Mac Image File Formats

When working on a Mac, you will encounter many image file formats. Whether you’ve taken a photo with a digital camera, scanned an image, snapped a picture with your iPhone, or downloaded an image from the internet, each will be in a specific format. If you want to understand different Mac image file formats and their uses, here are the most common ones!


What is JPEG?

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.… Read the rest

What is the Best File Type for Ordering Prints

Big printer. The best type for ordering prints.

Indeed, what is the best file type for ordering prints? When it comes to uploading images to a website for printing, choosing the right file format is crucial. The quality of the final print can depend significantly on the format you select.

So, let’s find out which are the most suitable file types and the factors to consider when preparing your images for print orders.

Why JPEGs Work for Smartphone Photos?

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The End Of TIFF

Is there no future for TIFF?

TIFF has been around for over two decades. It has been the file format of choice for many photographers when they edit RAWs in Lightroom and need to send it for further processing. It also has its uses in the printing industry.

However, many people see this file format as something that has no future.

Does Anyone Still Use TIFF?

Of course. Outside photography and printing, TIFF is also widely used in GIS (Geographic Information System) since you can embed spatial data into the bitmap.… Read the rest

PNG File Format Comparisons

PNG is short for Portable Network Graphic (PNG); a lossless image format uses a bitmap of indexed colors. Its birth was to replace the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). Since GIF used a Unisys-patented LZW compression algorithm, free software couldn’t create GIF files without paying a license.

Here, we are going to compare PNG with GIF, JPEG, and TIFF so you’ll know which format you should use on your next project.

PNG vs.

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