Kindle’s AZW Format: Everything You Need to Know

Kindle AZW Format; a woman reading AZW3 eBook on her Kindle device

Amazon’s Kindle devices use a special eBook format called AZW. If you have ever downloaded books from the Kindle Store, you’ve likely encountered this format. But what exactly is AZW format, and how does it compare to other eBook formats? Let’s break it down.

What is the AZW Format?

AZW is Amazon’s proprietary eBook format designed for Kindle devices and apps. It was introduced in 2007 when the first Kindle was released.… Read the rest

iPad vs. Kindle: Choose the Best Tech for Reading

iPad vs. Kindle, devices on a wooden desk

With so many reading options out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. From traditional physical books to modern e-readers and versatile devices, choosing the best method for diving into your favorite novels can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll hone in on the iPad vs. Kindle debate, examining two stalwarts of the reading world. Let’s analyze their convenience, aesthetics, note-taking capabilities, and durability to help you determine which one suits your reading preferences best!… Read the rest

How to Use a Kindle

A person reading and drinking coffee. Learning how to use Kindle device.

E-readers have revolutionized the way we approach reading, with the Kindle leading the pack as the top choice. If you are finding yourself perplexed by the array of features on your new (beloved) device, fear not, for this article is here to guide you through.

Understanding the ins and outs of Kindle requires mastering its key gestures and its various settings. Here, we present a comprehensive guide on how to use a Kindle device, ensuring a reading experience that is both smooth and immersive!… Read the rest

10 Best Amazon Kindle Tips Every Reader Should Know

10 best Amazon Kindle tips; Kindle device;

Many book lovers cannot imagine their lives without a Kindle device. Kindle readers have many great features that even experienced users do not know about. If you are still learning how to use Kindle, it is a good idea to find out more about them. These 10 Best Amazon Kindle Tips will help you to get the most out of your favorite portable reading device!

1. Scroll Through The Ebook Without Losing Your Page

The following scenario has probably happened to you: you went to a new page on your Kindle and lost your location.… Read the rest