Will iPads Wipe Out E-Readers?

The emergence of ebook was revolutionary. It changed the way millions of avid readers enjoy books in unforeseen ways. It was also revolutionary for writers and publishers. Stephen King’s Riding the Bullet reached 500,000 copies sold in just 48 hours. Imagine that!

Seeing people reading eBooks while commuting and enjoying the sun in the parks became so common, we rarely think about how life-changing it was. People glued to all kinds of eReaders such as Kindle, Nook, Cybook, Kobo eReader, and of course iPads.… Read the rest

Is Reading Ebooks Bad For Your Eyes?

With the advance of technology, bookworms have never been so spoiled. The rise of ebooks and eReaders allow them to search new books in seconds, grab a new book with a few clicks, and personalize their reading experience.

Despite the many conveniences of ebooks, some people still stay away from them because they think reading ebooks is bad for their eyesight. Is that true?

LCD vs. e-Ink

If you’re using a computer, iPad, phone, or any other devices that use LCD screens, you’ll strain your eyes quickly while reading ebooks.… Read the rest

Can You Make a Living Writing and Selling eBooks?

In August 2019, digital book sales dropped 7.3%. Now, some of you may think it’s the end of the world when it comes to eBook publishing, but it’s not. Sales numbers are rarely moving in one direction all year long. EBook publishing is still pretty much alive, or is it really?

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@jamestarbotton

Is Writing an eBook Still Profitable?

Before we continue, let’s put one more number on the table.… Read the rest

How to Get More Reviews for Your eBook


For new writers getting enough reviews for their new eBooks is a matter of life and death. Well, maybe we’re exaggerating a bit, but it sure comes close.

Promoting and selling a book requires a different skill set compared to the ones needed in writing it. It’s no surprise many new writers are frustrated when they can’t make as many sales as they hoped initially.

How to Get More Reviews for Your eBook

The most common method you hear is to set up a mailing list.… Read the rest

eBook Customization – Do You Need It?


The digitalization of books has changed many aspects of book deliveries. How readers wish to access reading materials and their expectations have also evolved.

Since everyone and their grandmas can publish eBooks nowadays, you need to differentiate yourself from the herd. One way to do that is customization.

eBook Customization – Do You Need It?

Suppose you have just written the best horror novel ever and you publish it exclusively as an eBook.… Read the rest

7 Tips for Effective Presentations

Planning and delivering an effective presentation is an important life-skill for students and business people alike. Even though the specifics may vary there are some important pointers that every effective presentation shares.

What is an Effective Presentation?

An effective presentation should:

  • Capture the audience’s interests
  • Focus on the audience’s needs
  • Develop mutual understanding
  • Show your passion
  • Inspire confidence
  • Tell stories
  • Meet your objectives

Let’s elaborate on these points one by one, shall we?… Read the rest

Writing Your First eBook Draft

So, you’ve set your mind on making your first eBook, huh? Understandable. The market share for eBooks in the US alone is keeping going up by the year. New writers better plunge themselves into the eBook publishing sooner than later.

That said, have you completed your first draft yet? If it’s still somewhere in your head don’t worry. That’s normal. Many fresh writers have experienced the same thing. They kept going back and forth for months or years never finishing so much as a draft.… Read the rest

The Perfect eBook File For Your eBook Reader

eBooks are the perfect way to take not only one, but several books with you wherever you go. To the gym, on vacation, during commuting, … Hardcover and paperback books become heavy and get dinged when crammed in an already packed bag or briefcase. eBooks quickly became the lighter, popular alternative in these and even more cases.

With the growing popularity, more and more eBook readers came to the market. They are constantly improved and developed for our reading pleasure.… Read the rest

eBook Publishing Tips – Get It Right From Day One

Publishing an eBook is a great way to get your work to public eyes as the shift towards full digital publishing is getting clearer by the day. The lower cost of publishing an eBook compared to a printed one has indeed attracted many writers, but is it simpler to do?

Here we’ll discuss some tips that can help first-time publishers to get things right from the get-go.


How Long Should Your First eBook Be?

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How To Move Apps and Files From Mac To Mac

How To Move Apps and Files From Mac To MacThere will come a time when you will want to upgrade your Mac. Whenever that happens, it is a great feeling. However, what about all the files and apps you have on your old Mac? What happens to them? This guide on how to move apps and files from Mac to Mac can help. It will take some clicks and tweaking, but it can all be done in no time.

While there is always the option of using an external hard drive, this is a much easier way.… Read the rest